so, the sentence "Have faith in GOD and you shall do good" equals "Have 'the belief that doing good will make your world a better place.' is the 'truth for reality' and you shall 'reverse suffering' " for me.


see, it solves the whole sex issue with god too... god isnt a he or she to me, because reality and truth isnt to me :)


and it solves silly arguments like "could god create a rock that was so heavy he couldnt move it"


and things like questions like "how does god percive time" become to me "how does reality percive time"


see, it eliminates questions.

its great!


When spirit is mentioned, i take it more to mean the intentions of thoes whom it is relative to.


so u prolly have a good spirit :)



And the holy spirit/ghost, is just the intention of doing good.



I have trouble with my spiritual side, because i prefer to only believe what i see/experience.




And it gels with my theory that the universe has existed infinitly , ie god invented reality = reality invented reality = infinite time.


As for miricals.... any event in the world could be explained as a miracle because every thing through out time has happened in a certain way and sequence to produce every thing that is happening now so every thing could be described as miraculous.