Answers to some quotes with questions in em
My Own Little Red Book
"today we kill ,for tomorrow we die."
"if you want respect you show respect."
"dont be a great man , just be a man."
"All humans are animals, they have done and will do ANYTHING given the right circumstances"
"interactions with others form our minds and our minds form interactions with others."
"You can't spell business without sin"
"We should bomb all 3rd world countries and plant food there."
"From the day we are born we start to die."
"All rocks have out lived you"
"In one hundred years time who's gunna care."
"Love is dead. Sex killed Love."
"Why have remorse when you can have happiness."
"Stealing the high grade narcotics out of O.D Victims using some kind of chemical extraction machine, especially traffickers with full tummies"
"breed up large amounts of human/society destroying animals , then distribute on mass"
"Nothing is more pure then insanity"
"When you stop learning you start dying"
"I fear but one thing, living another day."
"I fear nothing but fear it's self"
"Love can be bad, Hate can be good"
"Death and insanity are pure, I plan to have both."
"every ones going forward but nobodies really going anywhere, cos we aren't traveling in any direction"
"Not on a Need to Know Basis, on a When I Need You to Know Basis"
"The silence in my life which is ear shattering for those who hear it, Is only comparable to the loneliness that fills me with emptiness to the extent that I will shatter if the right silence is heard or spoken"
"haiku: Butterflies dont fade.Dugongs cry in the ocean.why must i live life?"
"...And Now I constantly Daydream?"
"you can get the biggest rationalization of the most complex thing with the absolute minimal amount of brain power. given time."
"life is about knowing whats in other people's heads and then either agreeing or not agreeing with it , and plotting your course through time accordingly"
"Life is the positives and negatives of a situation and how they change depending on your objectives, then seeing all the possible positives and negatives of all objectives, then about seeing all possible situations given that you can see and use all of this"
"the past is for learning , the future is for directing, and now is were we live/are."
"if the effort of doing it out weights the reward , then dont do it"
"Always face the truth"
"Always be calm"
"Question Everything from all perspectives"
"Improve everything"
"Your mind is the only mind that matters"
"tomorrow doesn't exist. It just a theory till it happens , then its no longer tomorrow , its today."
"A picture speaks a thousand words , and my brain only thinks at 900 words a minute, so its little wonder im speechless."
"You must be so vain" *why?* "cos how else would you look so beautiful,all the time"
"Death is only a tragedy for those who love life, for others its just a part of it"
"Were all alone in this world , i just happen to be beside you while we are both alone"
"every ones going forward but nobodies really going anywhere, cos we aren't traveling in any direction"
"Sleep when your sleepy, do things when you feel like doing them"
"Do what you Feel like doing, If it feels good do it"
"the future doesn't exist. It just a theory till it happens , then its no longer the future , its the present, cos the future may not happen for some of us , if not for all of us. Maybe this is a good reason to live in the moment"
"All fates interconnect"
"Live Realtime, NOW~!"
"Have I gone insane? Gone insane have i? I have gone insane. In have i gone, sane. I have gone inside sanity and seen the insanity inside"
"seems to me that if you did good all the time , you prolly wouldn't get much of what was good, but those who do bad always seem to profit in some way, this makes me think that good is bad, but bad is better."
"good is bad, but bad is better."
"NEXT TIME YOU GET INTO A FIGHT , TRY TO CONCENTRATE ON HOW LIFE DOESN'T MATTER, and how frustrated that makes you, and how your opponent's life doesn't matter even less <your minds the only mind that matters>"
"what you feel/think strongly about -> creative outlet = method of expression -> product which is a part of you -> great expressive thing that all humans should be able to relate to in some way."
"Every one should be able to appreciate anything that a human has created , cos were all human , so we can all dissect what drives to create or do, and we can all see human things from other human perspectives. So we can all understand, and understanding is knowledge and knowledge is power, so we all have the power to appreciate human works, and there all that we leave behind."
"Anyone who believes in ghosts is an idiot, i mean what would a ghost want with me for starters if they did exist, i mean what are they gunna do with me, kill me ? then id be a ghost and id make there after life hell"
"I see these army guys with like 100 kg packs on there backs, why dont the army train like super fast long distance running soldiers who dont have to carry much , i guess I'm saying they should have more specialty infantry , for different personal attributes."
"i dont kill my self, not because life is a gift, but because its there"
"Lifes pointless, if you want a point you have to set it your self. Other then that just go for the fun shit"
"ignorance is bliss, but intellect can be even more blissful"
"i understand society as a necessary evil now, cos some people may view there enjoyment in a 100% selfish way, and bash people and rape people for fun, but society should not go beyond protecting against those selfish people and its own self protection, but there is bound to be corruption cos were all human, which is why there is parts of government to fight corruption. The only perfect government would be ran by computers with the first bit of this paragraph as there objective, of course it would be good if society was less money based and more fun for all, too many false needs"
"People who cant think themselves out of there own insanity, and need head doctors are weak and deserve be insane/suicidal"
"infinite wisdom requires infinite perspective"
"Infinite wisdom requires infinite perspective, and seeing as i am not a god, the only thing close to infinite perspective i can get, is to imagine all things from all perspective as best as my brain will allow, this includes the un imaginable. And being able to imagine what it is like believing things i dont, And even to imagine what it is like to be in altered states and realities, maybe then could you start to imagine the kind of wisdom that an omnipresent being would have, to have the wisdom of everything"
"Loneliness is to have one truly real perspective, love is to have more."
"why is there an endless cycle of death and birth?"
"What would it be like if my brain was integrated with my brain? Me squared? me times me? if i could talk to my self in my loneliness, is the power to be sentient/rational the power to have infinite wisdom."
Your Mind Is :
The Only One that should matter to you/it.
The most important thing in the universe.
Worth listening to more then anything around you.
The only thing that can teach you anything.
Any thing you/it chooses to be.
the only thing that nobody can take away from you.
your only true home.
A window to other worlds.
your only reality.
what you make it.
more then muscle.
more then the sum of its parts.
The only thing keeping you alive.
"DO PEople think what they want to , or WHAT THEY NEED TO"
"Great People/extremists live in there own heads"
(-Be Calm -Live in your own head - your mind is the only mind that matters -perhaps you should be quiet to, maybe some people aren't worthy of your view, or maybe they would ask if they wanted to know.)
"when you commit to death, then you can see life in its totality"
"existentialism is wrong, you aren't what you do and your actions in the world don't define you, I prefer "interstentialism" you are what you think, why you do things is who you are, and who you must either accept or reform"
"If you have thoughts in your own head, then surely you must think about whats in other people's heads"
"what inspires the strong , may deter the weak"
"youth is wasted on the young" -saving that till im old
"Your mind is the only mind that matters , 'cos your you and no one else, so who cares about them. Your thoughts are the only ones that matter to you, they have a huge input into who & how you are & feel. Nothing within the reality you perceive should be more important then the constant train of thoughts that you are and are you , and are what you should pay full attention to always. Listen to your mind in realtime. This will put you in the zone. In the zone of your head. Live in your head."
" Oh no.... I think my favorite colour is grey? "
And to quote a Bjork song "As much as i definitely enjoy solitude, i wouldn't mind perhaps, spending lil' time with you"
"Living in your head is sort of living in realtime, and living in external realtime is sort of living in your head, guess thats what i must mean by living in real time , both externally and internally at the same time."
"part of you lives in my head" and vise versa
"Doing something for some things sake"
"Loving some one 'cos they love you"
"smelling fresh air, to smell what fresh air smells like"
"touching something to understand what it feels like"
"Doing some thing Just to experience doing that thing"
Is this the hidden point to realtime living?
Is this just living to experience life?
"Confidence is 4D acceptance, It's acceptance that knowing whatever happens next.given your available means, you know what you'd do, and how you'd do it"
"Arguments can be stopped/started when people agree that its not a matter of choosing ignorance, but of choosing your ignorance over the ignorance of some one else"
"Life is about imagining all the things that could happen to you, then loving the experience of life as it does happen to you"
"Stupid people dont exist, just people who dont understand"
"Nothing can be fully proven, just disproven"
"A Broken Heart:
Knowing I'll never feel safe with anyone.
Knowing I'll never trust anyone.
Crying 'cos I'll never love anyone.
Then feeling safe 'cos i trust that I'll never love anyone.
Trusting in the safety of hate.
Loving the mistrust of safety."
"If GOD <who doesn't exist> created every thing, then what created GOD< nobody,he doesn't exist>?"
Infinitism: the philosophy that all things can be explained or rationalized into or through infinity. (ie what created the universe? It was never created, its always been here in some form . Why are we here, No reason, were just the product of an infinite process to find some kind of perfection which is unattainable, hence we are an infinite process)
"I Once thought i was sane"
"Always enjoy every moment, Good and Bad"
"Y? is there a W in tomorrow?????"
"reaching the conclusion that its better to be delusional then to face reality."<thats what crazyiez do>
"I believe that living causes inevitable mental illness in some form or another. And sometimes i believe that the sane are crazy and the insane are sane..... i just dont know which one i am, humans are only happy when expanding there horizons, stalling on the question is the answer . Whats the point to life, is both the question and the answer in an infinitesimal and paradoxical meaning to life. this is a loop. Loops are infinite. being is infinite."
"Good Idea's come from viewing EVERYTHING as a problem"
"no, no , that would be a little too cool for reality"
"I'm an agnostic on the brink of atheism"
"Anyone stupid/ignorant enough to get angry/frustrated deserves to be angry/frustrated"
"It is better to live in a Good false reality, then it is to live in a bad real reality" (is this how insanity grows?)
"Those intelligent enough to be calm , deserve to be calm."
"Responsibility? Who is/should be responsible for life being pointless"
"Responsibility? Who is/should be responsible for the pointlessness of life"
"It is narrow minded to think for sure that you know what others are thinking"
"I only understand that nothing is understandable."
"i dont understand much, or care much about anything"
"Thats the thing about being a stoner and having no long term memory, its not that you have no memory, its just that its full of all the memories from when you were stoned."
"Get all your multiple personalities to work as one. Picture them as a board of government, Then get them all to work on one task."
<when there are people in the background trying to work out a life saving or killing problem, i stand there with a mental expression on my face and say> "you know, you know. The more you look at something , the less you understand know."
"to what ever you hear, think of the opposite, then think which one are you closer too?"
"look closely at the world, and live in one you understand less."
"What does it really matter how i use my time, If none of my time really matters"
"We are all trapped, Are we all trapped?"
"Justice, what is but for one"
"scare your self and the adrenaline will make you perform better, scream if you need too."
"the value of time is relative, tho at times my time is more valuable to me then others, at other times i have time to waste, but time is never wasted, as every moment (regardless of its use) has value, as we cannot go back in time"
"How relative is relativity to relativity? Relatively."
"having Low expectations, can be great"
"question what you expect of everything"
"I always seem to argue with people who believe that there is truth , that is not in reality. But i dont think there is any."
"most people are either , happy , and have low expectations, or sad people with high expectations."
"It seems to me that you can look at everything as going from less to more, or vise versa, then look at greater things in those terms"
"when your rolling boulders at each other, some one is bound to get squashed."
"Perhaps you should have low expectations <like Seneca the Greek said> and hence forth be happy with what ever you find, but this may lead to low self-esteem,depression and under achievement.
Perhaps you should have high expectations, and always be increasing what you get through what you want, change the world with your extreme views, but never being happy with it.
Or Perhaps you should have no expectations, and accept what happens and your options to improve it."
"If there are more pretty things in your mind, then your perception through thought would be at least aesthetically improved, but even then, shouldn't you choose realism?"
"It is better to live in a Good false reality, then it is to live in a bad real reality"
"It is better to perceive real as good, then bad. As this is what comes from low expectations (ie low expectations, breeds pessimism)"
"So as we are all quantum particles, that have all possibilities. but only choose one. Then we must have the power/ability to choose any that are offered to use, if there is some thing to do, there should, according to quantum mechanics,be a way to do it.Open your mind, Open your mind.either re-read, or understand the implications of this"
"Paradoxical problem with the parallel dimension theory: Is there a dimension where parallel dimensions dont exist?"
"working shit out for your self is better, 'cos it helps you work shit out better, and it is usually more affirmed, and some times better understood that way <and its better exercise for your brain>"
Absolutism Vs Relativity <is there an afterlife for each of us? Are there absolute truths?>
"There is evil in all of us, but ignorance in only some"
"what is a loss of innocence , but a loss of ignorance"
"Because i say some thing doesn't mean i believe something,& because i believe something, doesn't mean i say it."
seems to me like: "FREEDOM is all any one wants, so develop things that facilitate/create FREEDOM"
adversely, captivity is less wanted . and in some cases , removing captivity is facilitating FREEDOM.
"I feel i have done everything i needed to in life, as i never felt i needed to do anything"
"Just feel how you feel when moving slowly"
"i see no reason to not be happy, as all this shit is just so pointlessly silly."
"positive human interaction can make me happy, but when alone i can get very lonely. and sad. but its all so silly when with my friends, mocking at societies wrongs."
"the slower you sense , the better you can sense" <to be caught in a moment>
"It's good to concentrate , experience & sense detail to the highest degree"
"I'm always relaxed"
"If you want to be harder, faster, better, strong then exercise and train to be. if you dont want to any more fit then you are, then why dont you just exercise as a test of mental strength and control"
"A truly strong body can only be created by a truly strong mind"
"-keep your eye on the prize-whats the prize?-good living-and the cost?-people thinking your weird."
"only you can change you"
"always back up confidence with ability"
"if you want confidence , then build up your abilities"
"i find sport for competition , a bit stupid, I mean 'i can do it better then you' seems kinda stupid" i understand when its for fun.
"if each moment changes you, then your a slightly different person each time ad infinitum, is this like an internal version of the parallel dimensions theory"
"Maybe i will kill myself. i mean , does it really matter if I'm not here?"
"what if none of the quantum particles knew where to go? what if ALL paths were equally easy? what if that were me , what do i do"
"If it doesn't really matter if I'm alive, then that means that nothing here really matters. which means i should be able to let things just slide. which may bring some care free happiness"
"what matters as long as i am alive is what sustains my life style, and keeps me as happy as i can be given effort. If i put more effort in i would like more happiness, not less."
"Other then hormonaly influenced thought , I think that male and female thought varies enough to the degree that transgender persons in society shouldn't or don't need to exist."
"there are some people in this world who seem to do things without either knowing , or questioning why"
"Death sentence? having 1 person dead is better then 2, However , it is better to have 3 people dead , then 2. (2 strike rule, 2 murders and there should be 3 out <dead> 1 murder and there should be 1 dead and 1 incarcerated till rehabilitation)"
"don't try to find your vocation, just try to look for it"
"night time jogging in very dark and confusing places can improve your eye sight, reaction time & awareness of your surroundings, as well as giving you a rush"
"My anger & stubbourneness is only an expression the passion in my understanding of the situation."
"Dont try to learn from everything, LEARN FROM EVERYTHING"
my mind mantra : "there's gotta be something in there i gotta work out" said fast and repetitively.
"DEPRESSED? Maybe you need DEEP REST, the big sleep"
"think I'll go round explaining to people how rational it is to just go insane"
"I'm just a placid, boring simpleton"
"If you were suicidal. If you really didn't care about being dead, then you should be able to throw your self into something 100%. As , if you had of died, and are working at a profit, or credit of the balance of your life."
"Dont be Profidious to your self." <profidious: to be a traitor to the cause>
"Dont' Clam up, just don't care what your saying."
"Don't care about what you are saying Live in realtime, say what your thinking , and if your not thinking anything then wonder about the people/situation then expand on the possibilities/interesting bits possibly to the extreme."
"when pleading insanity, either rant and babble, or be vague and not there mentally."
"to predict peoples actions you must predict there reaction, as well as how they have change"
"If nothing really matters, then does it really matter that nothing really matters"
"Ask your brain to dream of the correct choices to make the next day. Maybe U can train your brain to predict the future. If the correct parallel universe is strong enough you will fell it, if aligned/trained properly"
"thought controlled universe = afterlife?"
"its an interesting theory that you have to urn your soul"
"Knowledge is perspective"
"accept your human limitations, then push them."
"Its not what you have, its what you think about what you have."
"everything is beautiful,everything is ugly"
"Anyone who is shocked by the news, should realize that its not the news thats shocking , It's reality, and the extreme parts of being human. And if reality shocks you,you should get out of it."
"a selfless act is it's own reward"
"The Point of a selfless act is that you didn't need/have a reason to do it"
"watch out ! you may have to return to reality"
"I know i have alot to be thankful for , but who do i thank. And do I? I mean it's not luck 'cos no one else could have been in my dads sperm, and i beat all the other sperm fair and square. and i couldn't control the relatively good situation i was born into, and all the good i can/could control i did. So whats left to thank??? And my parents only did what they did 'cos of a combination of social responsibility , psychological attachment and maybe even guilt from there own selfish/stupid act of which they couldn't possibly see the implications, I am the product of selfishness. And they only kept me anyway, they didn't try to teach me or build me into a strong person." <there is something to be said for having a hard life, you appreciate it when it gets easy>
":I've never won anything in my life
:whattabout that race when you were negative nine months old?"
,all of which society would like me to pay for in some way"
"Don't worry about what you can't control, and don't worry about what you should control, merely think and plan about what you can control, and that can be fun."
"try to loose your self in some kind of lost unreality , where time speeds to the point of not existing, and you can waste a whole day in no time <zero time>, i call it the unreality realtime"
"stupidity and weakness are to be despised <stupidity is a weakness, thats stupid>"
"to continuously loose your train of thought, non-stop"
"most companies cant give real bonuses that are worthwhile as they sell false dependencies"
"Never embarrass yourself for anything"
"bad situations are fun to get out of, bad things are fun to get rid of"
"If all idea's about your objective are worth listening to , then you should listen to all of them, then decide which ones are worth keeping."
"Learn as much as you can about what matters/concerns you"
"Immediate selective memory"
"why not treat life and death so tersely , when there is so much of it about, and it seems so infinite, and insignificant."
"if life/nothing matters , then perhaps you should do what ever you want with it within it's bounds, rather then dream of something which cannot be"
"Some times it matters more for those who care, then those being cared for."
"To be human is to be something very disgusting , in every sense of the word. And i dont know if i want to be that anymore"
"To hasten a solution, remain calm in the face of frustration"
"you get a purity in death , that you cannot get in life"
"It is better to live in a Good false reality, then it is to live in a bad real reality, then there is a point where the bad, real reality and its consequences , and the consequences of ignoring it just don't seem to matter anymore"
"ask yourself why your doing the things that your doing for a while , and nothing seems to mater anymore"
"I feel frustrated , angry and a little sad that i have no answers."
"It's not that i have integrity, its just i dont find nasty sluts , and hoes very seductive"
"everything is a dynamic"
"continuously questioning why, is sort of like continuously saying 'then what happened' in that it perpetuates itself"
"change what your saying, don't change what you said"
"Does anything mean anything"
"Due to the chaos theory it is impossible not to leave an infinite mark on reality. So does anything matter?"
"The end of the world just doesn't seem to be coming quickly enough"
"Considering how much we are fucking things up, would the end of all human existence really be a bad thing?"
"Love at first sight is impossible, Love needs understanding. You can't understand a book by it's cover, sometimes you can't even understand a book by reading it. Attraction at first sight is possible tho."
"There is no guarantee that if someone is selflessly helped that they will help others."
"It is paradoxical to help humanity , and to help perpetuate humanity <ie save lives, procreation> as humanity is such a disgusting thing."
"Humanity leans towards the side of hate, war and self destruction."
"Only think what you think for your own sensible reasons, think about it!"
"stand in a cemetery, and tell me who isn't expendable"
"you must face your fears till you have none"
"Don't fear the unknown , learn about it"
"It is always better to know"
"Due to perspective , realism can only be empirical"
"The end of one of the worst moments , can be one of the greatest moments"
"sometimes when something is wrong, but you have no power to change it, all you can do is secretly work against it"
"sometimes you have to deal with your own problems"
"sometimes things have to run there course"
"every ones all ready dead, there just waiting to find out for sure"
"Some of us are passing the time till we die, the others don't think about it"
"Me not wasting the features i have in my life, doesn't improve the lives of others less fortunate"
"compared to what i could imagine a bad life to be, this is bliss"
"If you have an incling towards suicide, And understand how many lives could be improved with transplants, then how could you not?"
"The sky: constantly dynamic, absolutely relative to your location, that which allows life on earth, wonderful when day turns to night and night turns to day, air and water, morphing clouds. sometimes i wish the earth wasn't here, and i could just float where the center of the earth used to be and be immersed in the 360 degree infinite, and infinitely changing sky, watching it in day and night at the same time. sitting there marveling at its all encompassing change. I must spend more time watching the artistry of the sky change."
"the sky is the most beautiful thing I've seen"
"No man is an island, but i definitely feel like I'm at least a sand bar."
"My mind has raced too much , now all it can do is cruise"
"Being an Idiot is a temporary condition, and usually localized to individual fields of misunderstanding"
"Some people are simply more complex than others"
"the biggest factor in success is tactics, It's all about tactics"
"the social system of money being the most important thing in existence, just doesn't seem to be working for me"
"You aren't anything but what you are. <naked , natural and alone>"
"The parallel dimensions theory means that every video game like or story book like reality that anyone could, has and does think of is possible in this theory. So i like to drift in my mind , between and through these worlds with as realistic as i can have imaginings of them"
"will you always see what you saw in something, if its correct/right, then yes."
"Maybe they think they know something, and maybe you think that you know something, and maybe thats ok with both of you."
"you shouldn't be something which your not, which is good 'cos you can't be"
"Don't let the world come to you, or be brought to you. Go to it, or else how will you know whats out there and what YOU think about it?"
"The world your in changes you, but can you change it?"
"witty jokes that undermine and revile the flaws that exist in humanity"
"the truth belongs to no one"
"Artists are idealist, but most business men are nothing"
"perfection is like the horizon, You can never reach it, but at least you get some where"
"Don't get rid of your T.V , just don't watch crap"
"If your work can live on and influence others, then it and you will live for ever, even if it is the work of others"
"SLOW DOWN!, being slow isn't necessarily a bad thing"
"remember that every thing/ones actions have some kind of consequences"
"The artisans loop: The mind has a concept, but skill creates it differently, which can inspire the mind."
"small stuff seems big, and big stuff seems small"
"learn about whatever you can see around you now, learn about whatever interests/fascinates you"
"the only way to be alternative, is to be abnormal, BE ABNORMAL, but you can't be anything else, 'cos normal doesn't exist. we are all alternatives"
"you can find truth in almost anything, so don't be surprised when you do"
"sometimes Say less and means more, but never say more and mean less"
"sometimes thinking alot is as good as being on a drug, or in another world of perception"
"represent everything, as relative to everything"
"Something is new if you haven't seen it before, so old stuff can be new"
"if your smart, then you shouldn't be creating burdens for yourself & you should get that 'wrong' feeling when you are"
"why should I pay attention to whats around me?"
"to be an outsider, is to revile whats inside"
"everything is viral, It survives and mutates"
"Beauty is whatever you think it is"
"abstraction is reality"
"Nothing matters, everything matters. It's a mystery , truth isn't there"
"How can anyone have a different view from that which is in reality. And more to the point, how can anyone live with that."
"With everything not mattering, things are mattering less"
"Will everything fade , and truly not matter when all people stop thinking about it, on account of the fact that all this is in our heads. Is it better to be stupid"
"Produce something where the product seems to be obsessed/fascinated with the viewer. isn't this appealing to vanity?"
"self destruction, nothingness, paradoxicality. eat your self"
"Destruction ism, A creation who's point is to aid and assist in it's own destruction <like humans>"
"The problem with modern art now days is that anyone could do it, and we all should 'cos then we could trade with people we know,meet or like."
"A bug get's squashed if it doesn't see the big picture, maybe we are the same way"
"I switch between thinking i completely understand reality , and being completely perplexed by it"
"find something you find yourself in" <is this part of procreation , as is creating personal works that live beyond you>
"you don't walk away from something you care about, unless thats the best thing for it"
"what of yourself do you see in what you like?"
"Don't think about what you should be, think about what you want to be. (ME=Free)"
"take advantage of your friends strengths and understand there weaknesses"
"take advantage of your enemies weaknesses and understand there strengths"
"In all circumstances, be yourself"
"If your pleasure is one of the things that matters to you, you should try to find pleasure in everything you can"
"All differences are equally as different"
"I dont understand worth"
"Nothing can be worth anything , as nothing is equal. so does nothing matter?"
"is anything that reacts to damage a life force, is everything a life force?"
"I think alot 'cos i feel suicidal, but don't have a gun, so i have to blow my brains out some how"
"METAPHYSICS : A Mental Philosophy dealing with the Nature and Causes of Being and Knowing"
"we should all be metaphysicians"
"I'm an unprofidious, self employed metaphysician and Ontologist, who is forced to live frugally"
"how do you know your not happy right now? how do you know your even alive, this could be death"
"I am now indifferent to the universe and its meaning"
"what if everything is getting bigger or smaller, how could anyone tell, or by the same note, if time was expanding and contracting? like how we all spin and dont know it. Motion, space and time all changing without anyone knowing, reality not being, but no one here to tell, or what if we could go through things, just not when were touching them , arrggghhhhhh"
"black holes are the fork spirals of the 3d fractal we call reality, they lead to other realities"
"as much as i like to float away into thinking about interdimensianal stuff, sometimes i crash back to reality under the thinking that they are all nice theories, but have absolutely no basis in reality, or proof. And that makes be think how silly they are, and how much we should just concentrate on enjoying living in our own real reality, the only one we have"
"If you are depressed, simply stay awake till your brain starts babbling to its self"
"if all religious people like Heaven so much , why don't they just go there"
"nobody can give you your dreams, 'cos there your own"
"death is one of the few interesting concepts life has to offer"
"Time in the blink of an eye: when in conversation there are a few actions which people take notice of as time passes <ie blinking, yawning, looking at watch> so if you speed up the intervals between these actions , could you speed up there psychological perception of time"
"if something is stupid , and pointless. But it makes me laugh, then its not really pointless, and its not even really stupid is it?"
"#1 Rule, It's easier to kill then it is to sustain life"
"A worthy Job is one in which being who you are matters"
"After awhile of living life, life seems less important"
"If every thing was comparative then when the situations of others degraded, yours would seem to improve"
" 'Natural Disaster' is an oxymoron"
"Could one be so curious that they kill them self to find out about the experience of death? That types of curiosity would prolly want to find out about all thats interesting in life first, but what if they felt that all in reality was either known , not interesting, or didn't matter? Could curiosity be my drive for everything? or am i just becoming Alice"
"Everything in life just seems so small, and i've only ever wanted to do something that mattered in life"
"If there is nothing like, your spirit or your soul, if there is only electricity, and blood, and cells and your body, then you can harm nothing but your mind with these concepts, and you need not care about your soul dying"
"Must Everything be too easy, or too hard, why can't stuff just be FUN? Make Stuff FUN!"
"I can't stop thinking of what it's like to not be able to think of anything"
"Continually questioning why makes life seem continuously less important, So maybe it's better just not to think, ignorance is bliss"
"Chill out , what ever happened to always being relaxed? Get a laid back attitude and chill out, accept your situation and your plans for your happenings and objectives, then just let life flow"
"Just because your lifes is a waste, doesn't mean your death has to be"
"nothing matters, So chill out, calm down, relax, take it as it comes , its all so pointlessly silly, lay back chill, relax, get a laid back attitude and let it flow,be as if nothing really matters to you, then realize that nothing does matter, so you should let it flow, enjoy and chill out. smiling makes you feel good, and why not smile when everything that doesn't effect your condition of joy is so pointlessly silly in thinking about, so dont. just lay back and flow dude."
"Don't be happy when, be happy now!"
"Trust No One"
"the unspoken, but known, or thought to be known, can often be the energy or drive in an interaction"
"there are 5 sense's, but taste is just touch <vibration> on your tiny ear hairs, and vision is just photons 'touching' the receptors at the back of your eyes, and i bet taste and smell couldn't happen it particles didn't hit receptors, so aren't there just 5 ways to experience/receive the same thing on different levels? the world may not be as real as you think"
"If nothing matters, then just try to think of nothing. constantly"
"Don't ever care about what anyone thinks of you, but you"
"Helping others, out of the goodness of you heart, Doesn't always pay"
"If it takes some time to work out what you want, then it takes some time"
"Comparative Worth <comparative to specifics> VS Relative Worth <relative to all>"
"Show me something , for all that i can see is nothing"
"It seems to me that many people are suicidal, but instead there ability to reason suicides, too avoid there physical demise"
"Philosophy ruined Philosophy for me"
"Divide infinities, to be good at improving to your objective"
"focus on appreciating something and you may start to enjoy it"
"focus on appreciating being good at something and you may start to get good at it" (must have an objective laid out)
"Be unassuming, ie. Don't Assume"
"apply the principles reverse engineering to everything, especial where you need a cause so you examine the effects"
"Is it possible to fully rationalize that which isn't true, If not, is that a statement of absolute truth"
"Is order just chaos that your familiar with"
"Life: Here to change the world, or just passing through"
"Change Consumes Constantly"
"Avoid ALL Arrogance"
"If you concentrate on things not feeling quite right, they start to not feel quiet right -unreality"
"Make thai chi and movement interesting, by mentally visualizing points, streaks and things in 3D space that you must move through"
"only losers care about celebs"
"Being humble can avoid trouble"
"Being nice invokes honesty from those you meet, and with this honesty you can decide who are your kind of people"
"Nice = Honesty , Honesty = Friends , collapse's too Nice = Friends"
"Your life force aura doesn't have to be radiant , It can make shapes"
"Power should always be handled with care"
"Fate is realtime , you cannot predict the future of it, and you can only accept the past of it"
"Fate can do ANYTHING to you" (learn to accept that)
"Monastic living breeds a strong mind, and the opposite can breed the opposite"
"Try to keep your emotions in synchronization with real time in the real world"
"If through knowledge you can feel things in a way to perceive things which are probably true, then you can have extra perception, Be observant , and use those observations to guess more accurately"
"Look for the bad in people, before complementing the good, both may result in the subjects self improvement"
"Does it seem strange that we used technology from traveling on/in Land Sea & Air to go & be in space?"
"How long can you go alone, and not doing anything?"
"All problems will be resolved in time, it's just a question of the out come"
"Nothing is really sustainable"
"Who says what is normal, Every one is Abnormal, thus it is normal to be abnormal, and abnormal to be normal"
"Is everything a battle for it's own existence?"
"Due to relativity, there is no better or worse, just different"
"switch off your physical body"
"If your mind is in it, your unstoppable"
"Extreme is only extreme when viewed by the mainstream"
"There are 6 billion + other people out there, do you really thing you matter? who cares if you act like a freak"
"the only reason you stop doing anything is because you and your mind are weak and lazy"
"Globalization could result in higher responsibility for corporations, due to more people being involved in the same situations"
"I like it when the air smells sweet, when i feel like i don't have to think about anything, when i have trouble getting angry, when the sun is low in the sky, and casts a yellow glow on all it see's, when the breeze forces me to take a deep breath, i like my mellow happiness, i like accepting mistakes for what they are, i like having a peaceful place in my mind, i like the warmth my body gives off, i like that beating in my chest. I like my freedom."
"The bad can hate the good, 'cos they have it good, and the good can hate the bad, 'cos of there suffering, but it would be better if they just all thought good if what they have"
"The truth is to be accepted"
"I would like to only retain the information of my choosing"
"only you can push your self, compete against your self"
"fate is freedom"
"It is perfectly sane to to go insane, or else how could you?"
"Some times i think the meaning of life is to either ignore living life & question it's meaning, or live life , & ignore the question"
"Due to time & consequence, the line 'My Life will never be the same' can be said of any event"
"Infinity is a constraint , not a number"
"Life = Life, it is what it is, don't expect more then that"
"If nothing matters, there are no wrong choices"
"The question is not 'WHY?' , but 'why ask why?', especially when there is clearly no truth in life but that which is life" perhaps you need to find out what life is first?
"why are we here? to be here, so BE! HERE!"
"nothing can not have anything to do with anything else, every thing has to do with something"
"the boy with too much self control, couldn't when he tried to loose it"
"once you have developed your idea's and brain, then what but to live life?"
"Analyze all that is human, for you are human"
"cos nothing ever happens twice exactly the same, everything only comes once in a life time"
"try what is human, as you are human"
"Nothing is wrong , It's just that nothing is right"
"Stay calm , find whats wrong, not whats right"
"If you don't look where you are, you're never lost"
"If you don't wonder where your going, your never directionless"
"Your not lost if you never knew where you were going"
"how do you know I'm not already dead"
"treat every one as a ghost, human spirits walking the earth, how do you know they aren't"
"Sometimes the only strange thing , is that you think there's something strange"
"How do you know that you don't see ghosts all the time"
"what with the government controlling the news, how do i know about the bad shit they (the government) get up"
"how do you know that your not receiving , and being controlled by hidden hypnotic/subconscious signals right now"
"Always sympathies and remember how ignorant you once were, when you accuse others"
"the older you get , the more you should make sure your not mistaken"
"HOW TO DREAM: Lay on your back before sleep, and form a random story, with no limits , or preconceived bits"
"You will always feel that you could have done more, if not for your death, and you always will, because it's true, but will any of it really matter"
"silence gives clarity of thought, music is for when you don't want to think"
"Be silent, and alone with your thoughts more often"
"There is not much point in questioning that which is pointless, but is life pointless"
"In your quieter moments, try to feel sustained inner peace"
"Don't let trying not to be naive limit you and your goals"
"smiling , being nice and polite puts people at ease"
"have the courage of your convictions, and spout what ever you believe to be true every where you go , you will not only refine your truths this way, but you may also be able to live for , and be driven by the truth, whilest enlightening others."
"fatalism can be an excuse to be lazy"
"Comparative to 'heaven' , earth is hell. but due to the human condition, i doubt there is an absolute heaven. And by that sentiment i suppose all you can do is make the best of what you've got."
"there being no god or after life sort of makes what we have here more important"
"if you tell one person, you may as well have told everyone"
"Your lucky if you love life"
"Inner Peace Leads to Outer Peace"
"constant self improvement?"
"The false truth can't be fully rationalized"
"people would do alot of things rather then die, 'cos of what they think they might eventually find or do if they don't die"
"There are 2 types of people in the world, Idiots who have religion, and lesser idiots who don't"
"Helping people makes the helper feel more important, why isn't that enough for me?"
"If you concentrate hard enough on feeling/doing something, can you? How powerful is the mind"
"possible point to life: For all humans to be an extension of the lives of all the humans who lived before them"
"Some one has to die, for someone else to gain the experience that comes of killing some one"
"The more desperate you are to find some thing to live for, the less important that thing should have to be?"
"I fantasize about meeting extreme people on the outer limits of society, because they must be have something to say"
"Life like most things , is pointless with out context"
"is freedom really the answer when we accept so much of our captivity? I would find it hard to believe that acceptance is the answer"
"I have trouble with perspective, things seeming big when close and small when far as it pertains to concerns, and anything it can be applied to"
"the only perfect world is the one in your head"
"Get smarter by questioning your own views"
"Why try to change the world when you know that the truths that you see are strong enough to be seen by all eventually"
"if we are all made in the image of god, then we shalt kill and cause pain as indiscriminately as he does"
"My physical being is but a moving cadaver, and one day it will be still once again"
"To die inside is to become deadly"
"death is one of the only interesting things life has to offer, and lets just face it, either you die, and it doesn't matter to you 'cos you can't think , 'cos your dead (ie. just blank non existence) Or something really interesting will happen, either option (tho there is really only one that you could consider once it happens) is incredibly interesting, and if you feel strong in your self you should be able to face it with your eye's open, your head up, and the knowledge that you want to handle what ever happens next as best you can."
"LOVE: with out me, your only you"
(you shouldn't base your self, & self worth on anyone else)
"Sometimes i have trouble discerning between my memories from dreams, and my memories from reality"
"all faith in the unreasonable is blind"
"take as much of life as you can, suffer through the pain knowing that death is there, and always will be there as a release to relive you from it all"
"there is no such thing as plain need, need is always relative"
"From the extreme comes the extreme"
"I don't give complements, i merely tell the truth"
"Always see both sides"
"Nobody does anything with out reason"
"If you don't fear death, then don't fear deadly situations"
"Revenge is not always your responsibility, but to atone always is"
"Our sun may be a dot in someone else's pictorial constellation"
"The true punishment for taking a life is the knowledge and memory of your deed"
"tradition is for the unprogressive"
"Don't get so caught up in your improvements, that you forget to enjoy where you are"
"Always try to always enjoy everything"
"positive emotions can make you strong, negative ones can make you weak"
"Money is freedom in society, so the poor feel they need to steal there freedoms"
"try to love everything for what it is"
"is ignorance a forgivable excuse, if so you could apply that claim to get out of anything"
"experience is true understanding"
"can fear e turned into power by being determined to over come it?"
"Don't Fear Fear"
"Anything in physical reality can be directed?"
"you have found your self in an incomprehencable maze, your only problem is that you wont accept that it's incomprehencable"
"you can't do any thing that you weren't meant to do" (does that give u confidence)
"nothing can happen that wasn't meant to happen"
"you can only live one time line, you can't undo anything thats done, so every thing that happens , was meant to happen"
"Concentrate on being strong , powerful , fast and furious. And you will unlock the secret inner energy of your mind, and these things will become real. see how long, and powerful you can sustain and maintain this energy."
"Is living in another world of perception, the equivalent of living in another universe/parallel dimension"
"Do others make your self worth?"
"picture your self on a boat in a river"
"try to speak at a slow pace"
"What did cavemen think about in there spare time?"
life = the school of the dead. "u can learn something from everything"
"when u see so much repetition in the world you could believe it to be a very strange fractal indeed"
"How many fate pathways that lead to one thing, Vs how many fate pathways that lead to another, and what simple catalysts some have"
"Death is a black hole in the fate tree, are there any others?"
"what is an insult , but an opinion. And why would you care about the opinion of some one who would insult you?"
"suicide; all that u will cease to be"
"There's nothing wrong with me, there's something wrong with this un natural world we live in, stand in a sunlit field of trees and plants, and tell me that you still feel something is wrong."
"Concentrate on testing your control over centers of the brain that produce emotions, and experiences"
"Sometimes to do good, you have to do bad, and vise-versa"
"Being patience means not waiting for anything, but accepting everything"
"I once had a theory that sex was a vain attempt to re-enter the womb, which is funny, because in natural circumstances every time some one would try to do this, another person would come out, what a vicious cycle"
"Don't let your education stop"
"Some one smiles at you, when you want them to kill you"
"How could you tell what is and what isn't part of an hallucination or reality for that matter, whats the difference?"
"if you hear enough of one side of a view, you start to believe it"
"you can hear objects, concentrate on an ear of yours hearing the tiny vibrations when it comes close to something, develop this till you can sense a whole scene"
"This is the dream, and you are the dreamer, as only you know what it's like to be you, everyone else is less real to you as you can't know what it is to be them, this is the dream, and you are the dreamer, but try to recognize others as dreamer as well"
"You can almost always be correct , if you accept that you can be wrong, and learn from it"
"star wars: the force = fate"
"Control the fate of pain, by not letting it have a lasting effect on you"
"Remain truly objective"
"keep an open mind"
"try to recognize all possibilities"
"recognize others as equals to yourself in sensations of reality"
"Nothing happens by accident , in that all that happens is fate, but that's not to say that things aren't random"
"Don't view things in terms of good & evil, there is no good and evil, just difference and possible harmony"
"A tree's leaves blowing in a warm breeze is bizarrely peaceful"
"A mind can't be idle, idle minds belong to the dead"
"Why this why that, why here, why not? WHY ANY OF IT! WHY!!!"
"Almost every one thinks the natural world is amazing, and yet here we all are, almost all of us helping to destroy it"
"I find the natural world amazing , but not so much animal.... or my self, why?"
"I don't have to like any one, or anything"
"There's an inside world, and an outside world, I'm in the inside world.
"Have u been brain washed in a positive way?"
"The answer to the question 'what are you doing' is always 'fulfilling my fate' as all we do is fate to be done"
"inevitably , we are self fish to every one we come in contact to, as we get some thing from every one we contact... even if it is just contact, we and our condition effects all we come in contact with"
"we are only as well of as those who effect how well off we are"
"Don't Fear, Respect"
"Being well off, is relative to those around you"
"Boundaries are there to protect you from harm, with out something to live for i will die, i view religion as a limitation, or to put it another way, a boundary."
"I think that there are a set of boundaries that all the supposed absolutes in reality fall into, with my view of reality trying to be some where in the middle, some where trying to search for any true absolutes i can find, in this way i think that i can, say to others what in my view (and clearly is only in my view as i am not them , and cannot speak from any one elses view) what is more realistic then others"
"I must always be decisive, and fully commit to every action i undertake"
"Always think before u talk"
"Always think about what ur saying before u say it"
"Always consider what u do and say, in context of the situation, and with a view to getting people to think and do what u want"
"after seeing how many phonies there are in the world, i never want to portray myself as something I'm not, and I'm pretty damn average"
"If world peace is a worthy goal, then your only option is to fight bad, and do good, try to be positive & nice, and have positive emotions (true happiness only comes from doing good, and emotions are the universe's way of rating u)"
"If life is pointless, then you can't complain about individual things being pointless/annoying, because in the long term, it's all pointless any ways (but even if it is pointless, i still want it to be comfortable)"
"even if life is pointless, u might still want to be strong"
"even if life is pointless, u might still want it to be comfy"
"even if life is pointless, u might still want it to be fun"
"even if life is pointless, u might still want it to be easy"
"even if life is pointless, u might still want it to be good"
"If life is pointless, then just do what u need to to make it good, it can still be good and fun as well as pointless"
"The context/point that u attach to life in will define your life , and your behavior"
"yes this is a suicide note, no it doesn't have a reason on it, I find my reason self-evident;LIFE"
"Can you still be depressed if you try to be depressed"
"Make no effort , and the world will come to you -Lao
"Try to be objectively introspective"
"There are 2 types of people in the world, people who look after them selves, and people who think we should all look after each other"
"When every thing in life seems empty, It becomes hard to worry about anything"
"Due to perspective; I think every one is insane, and prolly a lil skitz"
"Quantum laziness; always take the path of least resistance"
I stare at all the minute changes in the world, and marvel at how little each individual one SEEMS to matter"
"Complete sensory deprivation would cause death, Are we all at some level of sensory deprivation? want to feel more alive? then your prolly at some level of deprivation"
"To fear hell is to invite a life time of it , in the form of boredom and mediocracy"
"Constant conversations with your self in your head"
"I only want the respect of those who i respect... And I don't respect many people"
"sometimes seek truth out side your self and your own"
"if live can come from then inanimate... ie the first single cells.... than is the inanimate a life force?"
When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it; you can either accept it or resent it.
Things themselves don't hurt or hinder us. Nor do other people. How we view these things is another matter.
"Stuff, bad and good doesn't matter... How u view stuff does."
"Stuff don't matter, How u view it does"
"Exercise your mind in thinking quickly, by having extremely fast conversations using steps of logic with yourself, and you will become a quick thinker"
"My life means nothing to me, God and Jesus can have it if they want it"
"The only reason people fail , is because they loose focus"
"why are we here, to make here better, or just to be here"
"Kill 1000 men, 1000 years ago, and there accomplishment for mankind will still inevitably occur through others, NOW THAT IS FATE"
"god knows every thought i will ever have, and know which lines of fate through intervention will have which effect , so if I kill my self through depression, there is NO god"
"Just because life is long and pointless, doesn't mean u can't live a long and pointless life"
"No Death, No Glory"
"I don't know who i am, I have no sense of identity, how am i, I don't know who i am"
"In society the important things u can get noticed, are judged by societies ideals"
"Now days, i would feel strange not being alone"
"Time has ravaged my soul"
"There are two types of people in the world, those who lead, and those who follow"
"If home is where the heart is, then i am homeless"
"Clouds never stop moving or changing.... Nothing ever stops moving or changing"
"Is feeling like they are worth something, all people want?"
"Self worth is nothing , as there is no assurance of objective validation to it"
"If all people want is to feel they are worth something, then why do they expose themselves to situations were they wont?"
"Is worth love?"
"Is to be valued a degree of being loved."
"so those who feel they are worth more, are usually the ones validating"
"All your life lead u to this moment"
"enjoy the serenity of the moment that is now. enjoy the serenity of now"
"In your own way, you should challenge the world"
"The grandfather paradox? going back in time, must create a parallel universe or at least 2 you's, as if u were to go back in time in this universe, u would do every thing in reverse and have no control over your self.... so what matters is which universe u return too"
"To hurt , is to have been hurt. To love, is to have been loved...I can only hurt"
"The more you gain something, the more you lose something else"
"No response to an insult, is often the best response"
"Try to take insults constructively"
"The more suicidal u get, the more u are forced to find things to look forward to to survive"
"Is it wrong to commit suicide?"
"Ever felt like u don't exist?"
"Desperation can breed unrealistic hope, Unrealistic hope can breed desperation"
"There is degree of irony, and coincidence in every thing"
"Whats yours, what u consider to be yours. Isn't , you just think is, It's actually just part of a respect it"
(eg. This is my garden. No it's not , Its just part of the neighborhood. This is my neighborhood. No it's not , Its just part of the world. This is my world. No it's not , Its just part of the whole)
"There are 2 types of people in my world, people i dislike, And people i feel neutral towards"
"If every thing that leads to in genial thought, is genius. Then all that exists is genius"
"Isn't it funny how things fall up when your upside down"
"For all i know , Mother Teresa just likes the happy feeling of giving. and being praised"
"All mans good deeds can't be know to have been done out of selflessness, so all there good deeds could be externally rationalized as selfish acts"
"Societies act are only ever selfish towards it's self, It's just that when society is selfish, it's socially acceptable (so why isn't it the same for man)"
"Watching the world go past my window" -The Beetles
"I'd get up if i knew I'd fallen."
"fun in freedom cant be absolutely organized"
"The Mind Has No Time"
"I dont want there to be a god, all the hate, all the pain we inflict on each other, all the horrible things which far out weigh the great things, i hope they are random, i hope there is no god, i hope all this is just random"
"If u didn't wind existed, would u be scared to see leafs move, or the washing blow"
"Interstensiallism > existentialism = selfishness"
"What we most enjoy > Actions we say we value (ie virtues) = selfishness"
"A large part of what a human wants, is just to be understood for what they are, what and how they think, and why"
"Humans just like to be understood"
"Always remember that there is a difference between being open minded, and being naive"
"Whats the difference between what society pays attention to, and what it doesn't? Selfishness"
"If u argue with fools, dont fall into foolish arguments"
"when thinks get heavy, break em down into pieces"
"When systems are huge, break em down into components"
"We are tailor made for our fates, which are our purpose in life, as no one else would make our decisions"
"Knowing Things can happen in only one way (the way in which they DO occur) should make us consider the possibilities even more, as to get the one time right, tho there are always possibilities for fixing a mistake"
"All humans want understanding as validation, as we all know how small and insignificant we are (and cant value our self validation). Love is understanding"
"People dig there own graves, I just point it out when they fall in"
"smart people can do stupid things, and stupid people can do smart things"
"Take action now, and have more time to relax later"
"Find calmness and relaxation in the acceptance of your understanding of reality"
"You already have freedom, love and a life, you just have to find it"
"If you really care about some one, try to understand them, and give them there freedom. And try not to compromise either"
"The good things have more value , 'cos the bad things are so many"
(The stars only shine so brightly because the night sky is dark, u cant see stars in the light of day)
"Trying to appear to be a better person is difficult with out actually becoming better"
"Life can only offer whats in life, So i hope u can be satisfied with it. Life offers some thing better, then/or nothing."
"When I'm in trouble, i think what would some like me only smarter do?"
"You will find it easy to believe the things that u want to, and hard to believe the things that u dont..... so watch out!"
"Do you think your cumulative effect on the universe would be a benefit to the things in the universe that you effect, in there (the thing/s you are effecting in questions) view?"
(if not ,should you stop your effect?)
The fact that you can concentrate and thus attend to "one separate thing" at a time is liable to make it appear that reality itself is composed of a bunch of these "separate things," while in actuality all these separate things are merely a by-product of your superimposing boundaries on the field of your awareness. If the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything starts to look like a nail. But the fact is that you never really see boundaries, you only manufacture them. You do not see separate things you invent them.The problem begins as soon as these inventions are mistaken for reality itself, for then the actual world appears as if it were a fragmented and disjointed affair, and a primal mood of alienation invades awareness itself.- Ken Wilber
"Making a society, or an ideology of
society seem confusing is like shooting fish in a barrel"
"Freedom defined is freedom denied."
"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?"
"accept that everyone can experience what u do, and prolly does"
"fate can help u too escape"
"to hurt is an expression of being hurt"
"To love is an expression of being loved"
"Don't do the right thing because its right, do it because it saves trouble for all involved"
"U can only calling ideas, actions and things stupid. Not people, as they can learn and grow... And try to always put remarks of stupidity in context"
"My problem is hope for a better reality just wont die"
"reality includes everything perception doesn't"
"People hate being hated, And love being loved"
"People like positives, and dislike negatives. Some try to equalize these, others end up liking or hating people"
"equalize all feelings in your relationships"
"Respect those who respect you"
"In our interactions you've swallowed a large part of my human soul whole, Now I (as i was when u closed your mouth) will always be with you"
"Isolation = only 1 interaction with which to spawn your thoughts from"
"all human interactions causes and spawns all other human interactions"
(hence forth we all plant thoughts and are all sources of genius)
"Our faith in others betrays wherein we would dearly like to have faith in ourselves" - Nietzche
"All we want is to be taken back to where we came from"
"An open battle field is the perfect metaphor for life, help the guy with no legs?"
"The fine art of being resourceful is to realize that everything is a resource"
"Earth is my asylum, life is my religion & being is my philosophy"
"farewell: I hope u fare well in what ever u do"
"Why is anything here when it would be easier for there to be nothing, why us, why the cause, what reason, and to what end?"
"Because we all have the strong possibility of being suicidal, we should all treat each other with strong importance"
"there is truth in almost everything"
"Dont gain the world and loose your self"
"There is no argument against believing in god, There are only arguments against it being rational too"
"I know every thing you know, so dont bother going & thinking it out to me in words"
"If god exists, then why do we poop?"
"I'm trapped in an uber reality where my life isn't really my life nothing matters to the point of not thinking about anything. No surprises for no expectation, not alarmed as nothing alarms, death before life, and the never ending joy of not caring, sleeping in my mind never to awaken, wake in tiredness never to care, caring in carelessness never to worry about whats to be"
"Think of nothing, then draw what ever comes, draw how u feel when u think of nothing"
"It's not TV that rots the brain, its advertisements"
"After A while U just start seeing humans as another type of animal"
"Organized religion is the very definition of brainwashing"
"The human condition, is merely the condition of being sentient, most theories behind it can be applied to all sentient"
"If god is all powerful, then could he kill himself? or create a puzzle that even he couldn't do? or a boulder that even he couldn't move? if so , then he ain't all powerful, if not then he ain't all powerful"
"why would there be rationally recognizable life after death, when there is none before birth?"
"Selfishness; to expect others to better your reality, with out bettering there's"
"Selflessness; to better an others reality with out expecting them to better yours"
"People dont have to act real, they just have to act like how ever they do"
"it's funny how the world can crush what could change it for the better"
"try as many young people fads all the time after u hit 40"
"The Brains that god cant crack go insane"
"Your voice is in the head of the people who have there voice/s in your head"
"Stand for something or you'll fall for anything"
"If you love it, then dont hold it too tight"
"Gratitude is no good if you have to ask for it"
"Uneaten fruit spoils"
"The pointless void of life is bigger then God"
"GOD: The original PsyOp"
"If you read my words, am i thinking for you?"
"U can compare any 2 things....It's fun to compare 2 completely random things"
"Your going to die soon, Don't care about it. And dont care about what people think of you, even when you act or treat them awkwardly"
"Has anything I've ever done really mattered?"
"Has anything any ones ever done really mattered?"
"every one is love , you just have to find there's"
"Life goes on with out you (ie when your dead) so dont miss out on anything"
"Were all one?.... in our opportunity to experience life"
"By accepting when your wrong, even when your wrong, you'll be right"
"By accepting where you are, you'll always belong"
"By accepting that everyone is important, you'll never loose your self in the world"
"Why are you hiding your self from the world, if you have nothing to hide, but some thing to give?"
"You'll never glimpse worldly truth by hiding from the world"
"Dont hide behind walls of delusion"
"No one else can make you change"
"If every one in the world understood being human there would be no problems"
"True evil doesn't exist, Everyone has ways of thinking that anyone can love"
"We are all equally in the same state of the human condition, some have learnt it, and learnt to handle it better then others tho"
"Use your knowledge of confidence, love, charm, understanding, reality, humans and life to have perfect human interactions"
"life; Buy the product and never use it?"
"My thoughts aren't really mine, there always the thoughts of the past, And of a past me"
"You see, understand and effect an infinitesimally small amount of reality, most of reality/universe goes unseen, un-understood and un effected.... But you see absolutely all of YOUR reality"
"There are an infinite number of thoughts.... but like actions most of them are friverless"
"To blank the mind, imagine being the void, imagine being nothingness to infinity"
"Every thing quantifiable is already in the past"
"I dont think that my life has value, so how can i think any thing but that about any one else's"
"the truth , thats it, the most powerful thing in the universe"
"people fear love, because they fear the truth reflected by others"
"The worst ignorance in the world is not wanting to know the truth"
"so much variance in how people are/look, i can only imagine there is equal variance in how they think, and who they are... possibly due to equal variance of perspective (variance = # of population/similarities in what they perceive)"
"other people can and do think like you"
"what you think about is your choice"
"Life/Reality is relative"
"Truth or Salvation, if it is to be attained at all, may only be realized in an after death heaven or Nirvanic void - anywhere except the physical world we inhabit." - Robert E. Wilkinson
"You DO have some thing to say in response to any one sentence, hence forth good conversation should NOT be a problem"
"society is here to serve the people *not* the people are here to serve the society"
"If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower."
-- Adolf Hitler, Landsberg, 5 November 1925
"hmmm, maybe thats the vital choice in life, whether you want to view your worth in your eyes or the eyes of some one else. its like your life would still be pointless to you, but not in the eyes of others... which gives it worth. I'm not brave enough to live like that tho, i guess most people aren't brave enough to face the pointlessness of life, yet still live it for the point of helping others..... but I mean, if you don't believe in god, then who else do u expect to be able to validate your life in the eyes of?.........who else is there to make u feel your existence is worthy, who else but those you can help, and of whom your help is of significant worth too."
"order is just chaos that we recognize"
"Only with experience can u appreciate"
"Forget who you are"
"Forget who you are, before you decide who you will be"
"A strong mind can survive anything"
"your only as healthy as you feel" -taxi driver
"u are what u do"
"A choice is a concept till it occurs, once it occurs its a result of that concept, a result which can't be undone, a result that can change the conceptualization process...a process which is formed by results, and concepts about results...... which came first, the concept or the result? whats the first thought/instinct of a baby who cant sense the world? freewill i laugh at the"
"Just as adversity builds character, prosperity softens"
"there's only a certain number of times u can do things in your life, so try to do as many things, as often , and as well as u can"
"I dont have enough time on earth for crap things which dont matter"
"Hero's & Cowards feel the same things, It's there actions that differentiate the two"
"Religions False high bar or absolutisms force's one (& many) into a state of nihilism as a process of developing ones own judgments on life, worth & values. But nihilism is the easy part, the choice to think and develop ones own values isn't"
"what violence isn't terrorism?"
"If u think all that u give, is what u'll get, then what do u think ur due to get?"
"If u think all human interactions u put out, u will receive, then what are u due for?"
"A dumb man should surround him self with smart people..... A smart man should surround himself with equally smart people who disagree with all his views"
"You are always who you are when alone, and u should show that when with others, talk to them, as you would your own mind"
"You are always held captive by something, find it and end it... It is always there, it's there as much as humans value freedom, and thats why they do"
"in terms of potential to be smart we are all equal, remember that when interacting"
"Don't care about what people do, care about why they do it"
"Every thing is constructive, Constructive is subjective, Every thing is subjective"
"consciousness requires a world"
"I dont want to help them, 'cos i am more then them, but you were once less too. Be more FOR them, Be who they will one day be"
"It's not that we ARE all equal, It's that we SHOULD be"
"Who does milk belong to (the cow?) ....Nothing i own is mine... so is my body really mine, or does it belong to the universe that created it, what about my thoughts, my mind, and my soul. DO I BELONG TO ME"
"Pain is always a lesson"
"Be humble, then better your self, then be humble again"
"only you can make you happy"
"There are unborn voices in your head, do they have the right to life?"
"who am i, and what do i want... and which should i answer first"
"In my view there are 2 reasons to do things, A) to waste time (which has a point cos it gets u closer to death) & B) to have fun (fun is pointless, but its fun and makes time pass quicker)..... so do things that waste time and are fun, and what fits those 2 things the best? LIFE have fun doing life."
"objective objectivity: view the objective of larger and larger groups, systems and people till u get to the meaning of the universe"
"separation of the self = selfless humanitarianism"
"The needs of the many out way the needs of the few..... why is it better for many to be selfish then a few? especially if ur in the few? why have objective separation of the self, when i am the self?... so far, 'cos 'the world was here before u and after u just doesn't stand up for me, 'cos it wont be for me"
"any concept that cannot be understood diagrammatically/visually cannot be easily understood by the human mind"
"Why would u care if u missed a train thats going to the wrong place? Why would u care if u miss a train thats not yours?"
Deduction - reasoning from the general to the specific..... Induction - reasoning from the specific to the general
"Every one lives for every one, so when
one gives up because they can't be bothered living for anything. Every one
else cracks the shit's"
"your the world , and the world is u......if u die the world for u dies, if the world dies, u die.....but if im the world, the how can i be selfish?"
"If I'm the world and the world is me,
in that the world is what I see, then how can i be selfish to the world
or to me, or either of those subjectively?If we're the world and the world
is we, are the worlds goals that of me? How bout if i wanna live unhealthily?
to the world and maybe even we?"
"Existence is suffering, suffering's cause is desire" -Buddha
"nothing can be created, universal matter is only ever transformed"
"if biology and evolutions has made survival or primary concern (and that obviously with less competitors for life we can survive easier), then the truly supreme choice is to selflessly help your fellow man."
"a great work is one that is coherent with the rules of the universe to the point that most humans can appreciate it"
"much of the universe's goal seems to be expansion/growth & how can u grow with out improving some aspect of u, humans are always happiest when expanding there horizons"
"There are 4 levels of mindfulness -1) Refusing thought 0) Not thinking 1) Thinking 2) Acting on ur thoughts"
"those who believe in the soul, god or reincarnation can have the point of improving the world, but I just exist"
"U are here on earth for some time tho, and in that time your existence could benefit from the worlds improvement"
"time and space are infinitely divisible, U have been an infinite number of selves in an infinite amount of space, done event X for an infinite amount of time, in this way (time and space being infinitely divisible) where the future and past both exist (now) is forever."
"now is for ever"
"how can anyone know what it is to experience some thing with out experiencing it? answer: they cant, but they can work from what they do know"
"reality is part of consciousness, as to be conscious you have to be conscious of something."
"Pride is bad, you should never be proud, you should just not be ashamed"
"just like spiders cant work out that they wont catch flies in some ones house ('cos the house is too big an complex for them) so is the universe to u"
"as long as some one cant discern between general reality, and relative reality then arguments can be won, and heads can be fucked with"
"our realities encroach on general reality, in that our realities are generally real (as they are real realities in general reality)"
"I've got plenty of nutthin and nuthin's plenty for me"
-Paul Bobeson
"giving pleasure is what should turn u on, not superficial stuff"
"insanity paradox; in sanity... being in the core of sanity... being INsane. but if u try to not be insane. u must travel away from sanity.... and whats away from sanity? insanity... it is the infinite, so go insane, as u eventually will."
"if god exists, then u should help starving children..... or just let them goto the love of god!"
"To learn , always wonder why you failed"
"Nobody else is as fully formed a person as much as u are, in that they can't of thought all of the same things u have through out the time of ur existence"
"we are not just our world experience, we are what lessons we choose to take from it"
"you aren't experiences or your world, YOU ARE the lessons you choose to take, so choose to take all the lessons, not just the ones you think you'll need"
"to be understood, valued and hence forth loved by others, is far far better then getting a non-existent love from some far away, distant, cold hearted, externally objective murdering bastard of a god."
"if u dont take all the lessons, you wont be true, u wont be on a search for all the truth you can have. you'll just be a bunch of bad/easy lessons that are only half learnt."
"you cant only learn the lessons and truths that suit you, its all or nothing"
"all suffering and pain is the responsibility of some one? so isn't it there benevolence at fault?....would god want u to suicide? isn't life self imposed punishment?"
"the lessons are pointless with out application"
"if you learn something, of course you aren't gunna appreciate it till you use it."
"maybe you're scared that you'll never get over you're selfishness, and that you'll always just preach, and never practice"
"life has 2 sides that interact (black= a troubled life and white = implementing your lessons to help with troubles) if u never see someone take joy from helping others, then u can never know that "the white side of enjoying using lessons to help others" exists, hence forth u only have your crap life (the black side of having troubles that need help but dont get it) as a concept of life, and u dont think that u can ever really enjoy life by helping the rest of the universe, u think that the universe's black sides should help them selves (as u may of) , or suicide.... white must of been black once tho"
"yin & yang, the black cant be with out the white, it was all meant to be"
"i have been shown the white side, i understand it, i just dont have the faith to live it, i dont have the faith to think existence has a purpose. I NEED TO KNOW IT'S POINT"
"The black can turn white, once it realizes much of what connects all the black"
"Only the good get killed/suicide young"
"people have such trouble when they think that to understand there view must be to agree with there view"
"this is why i dont want to exist, because i know i COULD be better in others eyes, and i know i COULD better the world for others, i just dont WANT to, so i think need to no longer exist."
"Promise that what i have done for you, you will do for everyone"
"there are 2 types of people in the world, those who recognize what it is to help others, and those who dont"
"see how we are an infinite spiral,with every decision, with every choice,with every lesson, with every correction we adjust the course we all travel, always going forward through time, always redefining and evolving how we set our course, down the infinite spiral, we appear to have a center, a point, but with out the guess of faith or the sight of hope it is always in the distance."
"are walls really needed in today's society?"
"boundaries are just human concepts"
"The complexity of the effect of your job is a measurement of your mind in society"
"to convince some one, you must refute each of there objections as each comes up"
"The more you need love, the harder it may be to give it"
"Life's a dance, as cyclic, and as wondrous."
"people, all there faces look so young. And all i can do is feel old and tired"
"we're you all that you'll leave behind?"
"You can be as smart and as bright as you like, Just never let your ambitions grow bigger then your heart"
"Make each action in each moment your reason for being in this universe, and you will do it as well as you were meant to"
"we are all the same thing (universe/reality) yet we cant get along"
"what if part of our minds were once both the same object"
"It's not a pretty sight, but it's a sight, and sight is pretty"
"Perhaps all your life, from birth to childhood to now, perhaps all those memories, and all that time you had and have been given false beliefs and have seen an unrealistic version of reality"
"Perhaps all my life has been wrong, from birth to childhood to now, perhaps all those memories were wrong, or the wrong memories, of the wrong things, and all that time I've had and have been given wrong beliefs and have seen a wrong version of reality...making something wrong with me, making me wrong....perhaps i just am wrong."
"imagine if all the people who committed suicide, hadn't.... or imagine if those who molded humanity the most had of"
"Nothings wrong, its just that nothings right"
"some times people (maybe even you) hurt others, and the world, just to remind themselves there alive"
"faith can be a catalyst"
"Infinity is perfection, time defines the refines between course and fine"
"all numbers under infinity are just a matter of borders and classification, in this way, nothing is know by us"
"what is nothingness to infinity, what is infinity to nothingness"
"when you define what you like, you do it relative to you.... so why not the same with your worth and what's important in life"
"should you look at your self from your reality, or general reality? either is both"
"what you choose is your choice, but your not exactly gunna choose a choice that you wouldn't are you, cos you couldn't have, or else it wouldn't be your choice"
"everything that happens is normal as it can happen"
"being optimistic and looking at life in a happier way will make u see and experience the world in a happier way, isn't that reason enough?"
"walk and grow in the faith of doing what is good regardless of any religion, do it only for ur reasons, and that you know it is right"
"evil happens when good men do nothing"
"what better way to work towards peace, then rather to stop wars, mend violence, and heal suffering, but instead to explain why these things should never have been caused in the first place.... instead of worrying and fussing about the lack of benevolence in others , fix it by teaching benevolence.... fix the cause not the effect, be not just an example, but a catalyst."
"One man was never meant to change the world, He was only meant to make a world of change"
"every one has an equally worthy life, as they all think they do (or do not <euthanasia>)"
"should u help when u go out, or go out to help"
"The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results."
"what if you couldn't tell the differences between the messages from god , and those of the devil? what if you got them confused?"
"Selfishness (worth relative to your own reality) can be insanifying, Selflessness (worth relative to general reality) can be pacifying"
"Do not be concentrating on the future at the expensive of the present" -yoda
"the more selfish the person the less wisdom the seem to have, be wise , enlightened and worldly, by looking at the world from outside ur self"
"shit does just happen, it would be singular minded, and arrogant to think it just happens for you, but what ever happens , you can take lessons from it"
"what are you, when u take away all that u do, and all that you want to do, then what are you?"
"if something doesn't help someone to there own goals, then why have it? were all like that, every one on earth is as simple and as selfish as that.... even if sometimes there goals are things like 'happiness','love','truth','understanding' and 'selflessness'"
"If all you can be is evil, and u only ever get joy from tormenting others, then the only way to be good is to kill your self"
"Maybe you dont ask your self certain questions, 'cos u know you wont like, and hence forth dont want the answers!"
"If aliens put us here with no point, you'd blame them for every suicide, so why not god?"
"how are those words in your mind created?"
"Respecting God for life, would be like an abusive parent saying 'But look at what I've taught you about bruising, pain, suffering and abuse'"
"Life is like a game, a very long and pointless game with very subjective winnings and loosings"
"What WOULD prove the existence of god to you?"
"I shall be missed by how many people miss me, and wont be by those who don't"
"Life is like a fractal, u perceive boundaries even tho all points connect, its infinite, anything is possible"
"Ya gotta respect other people's journeys through life, even if they do seem stupid to you at any one time (inclusive whilst they are occurring/involving you"
"Isn't suicide just pure lazy arrogance, that you dont think this world and this life is good enough for you"
"It takes more control for a control freak to let some one else be in control rather then letting there need for control to control them"
"Humanity is like trying to keep the same piece of saliva in your mouth, it change its self, but never the world, and eventually has to be swallowed"
"as long as some one cant discern between general reality, and individual reality then arguments can be won, and heads can be fucked with"
"Learn how to piss some one off with out seemingly like u are, then learn how to make ur self look good when being attacked by a pissed off person"
"Being Hurt shouldn't make you hurt others, it should make you want to understand the pain of others."
"I do think we make a number of things relatively better or worse in the world, whether the desired effect is the long term, or the short term effect however, is another question"
"violence is wrong (as all can be settled with words) so are people who are fascinate with violence wrong?"
"Nobody likes living in the world, or being who they are, so people who better that are good and worthy people"
"Fate has plotted all the possible circumstances, and the circumstances that can come from those circumstances, so trust in that."
"Most of us serve just 1 inanimate object.....MONEY, we should try to serve all of them, and the animate ones too"
"Fucken Ay, I'm a fucken fractal, me, the whole thing, I'm/It's a fucken FRACTAL!!!"
"no more judgment, just understanding"
"Replace Judging people, with trying to understand them"
"If you think you may have finally come to an understanding of your self, then there is still an infinite number of other example of the human condition out there to try to understand not to mention the rest of the unknown workings of the universe, so don't get bored, go on with them"
"Maybe the insecure people, through there flaws, deserve to be insecure... even if who they could be one day, doesn't"
"Options: A) Make YOUR world a better place for YOU B) Make your self feel better, by improving the worlds of those who need it (improving how ever u can, even if its just giving them thoughts) C) Leave all worlds."
"Pride usually comes before a fall, because you start to care about the thing your proud of more then the original objective which lead to that pride causing thing (ie. You became proud of being seen to care, more then actually caring)"
"arrogance + pride + judgementalness = bad"
"I cant mean anything i say, or say anything meaningful, as i am meaningless"
"If you have too strongly differing opinions, Then you will more then likely of had 2 very different experiences of life, so talk about that instead. What formed the opinions rather then which is right, in fact WHY is more often then not better then WHAT"
"because you will always find aspects you dont like, in the ways of and existence of others around you it could be construed that existence its self is the thing that is wrong"
"Consider what you don't like about others, remove those aspects from your self, then ad to yourself what you DO like about others and resolve any contradictions, then u will have a recipe for how you want others to see you.... which even if it makes you appear boring, is what you should be (more then likely selfless)"
"one of the biggest fears of the mind, is stagnation"
"Success: The ability to go from failure to failure without being discouraged."
"If we don't love each other, then who will?"
"Pure Acceptance is understanding with out thought (cos its just accepting that you only understand what ever your seeing), So if you can't mentally understand something (especially something you love), then just accept it and go from there (ie accept it and slowly understand from experience, rather then not accepting it and loosing any chance of understanding it through experience)"
"Love expects understanding, and wants freedom... so pure acceptance is at times like unconditional love"
"If you choose to accept something, Don't expect acceptance in return"
"some people just accept the rules they see, others assume there must be an enforcer if there are rules, the difference?... FAITH"
"things mattering, and the worth of things, and the meaning of life, and the meaning of things can only be said in relative and/or comparative terms as they are specific to individuals concepts and values"
"So life only has meaning relative to a goal, (eg happiness, enlightenment, selflessness, selfishness ect..) so all you have to do is decide what a worthy goal is, and how to evaluate that, do you do it in the eyes of you who experiences your life, or all those who can experience life or something else like the universe its ever you do it, you should keep it real"
"If you know that something is unknowable, then dont claim to be sure of it, in fact specifically state that u can't be sure"
"I am what i am"
"Can any one else have a go at fixing my head please?!?!"
"once anything happens, you cant undo it"
"can 'doesnt matter' be one one of ur values that u base the worth of things in life on?"
"crack your head open and let what ever falls out fall out."
"what u do in life is relative to ur goals, ur goals are relative to your values, so if u have no values, then u dont need reasons to do stuff (or in other words 'crack your head open and let what ever falls out fall out.')"
"is stuff slow or am i fast, am i slow or is stuff fast"
"we're in the universe , and so everything that we do, see, think and experience are things the universe has... so yes the universe has intelligence"
"Society doesn't know the changes they want, 'cos society is a fine balance of those who want change in all different directions... so we do nothing definable but expand, like the rest of the universe....or rather we do so many definable things that it can only be quantified by expansion and hence forth we ruin nature and hate out selves for it, but cant change. All want change, but can only expand.(however, those in comfortable power want to keep it just how it is, we need to show them that they need to give us what we want)"
"Humanity wants less suffering for all"
"if you always hurt the thing you love, then we love the universe and it loves us right back"
"not being nice isn't worth dying over"
"A good relationship is about truth, and consistent, high amounts of it. NEVER hold back when ever ANYONE asks you how u feel, or when you feel something about someone. TRUTH to the Max, it will help guide you completely"
"All human interaction is a form of love, love expects understanding and wants freedom, truth is the best way to facilitate understanding...So try to fill all your human interactions with as much truth as possible"
"the earlier the event the greater time it can have to effect things, i could of been anywhere by now"
"Go ahead, take all you could be away from humanity, they wont notice what they wont have, and they have been here alot longer then you anyway...tho they are also the only ones who come close to appreciating what you are...but still, who cares?"
"either way we can only hope that what we do is right"
"It's funny how 'sanitary' plastic wrapping is to us, and how unsanitary it is to nature"
"everything u've done has lead to the moment of now, but one day now may not be here for you, one day you'll be dead"
"nothing can be created or destroyed, universal matter (everything) is only ever transformed and re-hashed"
"todays thoughts are just yesterdays thoughts rehashed and repackaged, welcome to life"
"It's beautiful and wonderful, to know that every one/thing is like me, and I'm like everyone/thing."
"You are loved for loving who others are, and showing it... and others love you when you show it, when you show that u love who others are... Human interaction is a dangerously selfish fine line, so try to show interest/understanding as much as u can as to stay on the right side"
"sometime people act, just to get a reaction. Because it proves that they them selves are there... So if u feel someone is trying to get a reaction from you, just dont let them get the one they want (choose to think about this before you act)"
"Each time will be the last time you look at something a certain way"
"You don't need a reason to leave, as there is no reason for being here (tho it may be easier for me to not be here)"
"speak in an absolute mind set, in a mind set of absolute truths"
"Everything is as it's meant to be, if you dont like it, then make some changes... it will still be as it's meant to be tho"
"talk as if the universe is the universe, and all is how it should be"
"you can't know what a house looks like from the outside when your in it, you don't know what you've got till you lose it, you dont evaluate life properly till u think you could lose it"
"If you want respect, you show respect, and not just to those you want it from, to all and everything"
"wake up the dying don't wake up the dead, change what you say, dont change what you've said" -The Eels
"I think having a good day, or feeling good in general, has a lot to do with the difference between what you expected , and what you got"
"how am i? i am how i expected to be, and since i didn't have any expectation i am how i am"
"if expectations and actuality control some of ur mood, then expect what u know u'll be and u should be happy"
"I expect to be analytical (maybe even too much so) and when i burn out, i will try Zen meditation"
"non-existence is akin to becoming everything (nothing is sometimes akin to all, infinity and 1)"
"expect to be happy in your understanding and acceptance of each moment"
"If someone thinks something of you, you should ALWAYS hear them out & ask how they think you could be better. Because they have had a different life then you, they ALWAYS know something u don't (just watch out for alteria motives)"
"All humans have an equal potential to experience the one universe we all live in, and the total set of human emotions we all have, and to understand anything that any other human can understand, and we all know that there being a point to it all is equally uncertain to us all....and for those reasons, humans treat each other how they them selves think they deserve to be treated"
"Because of the good in your life you've had, you must help others (tho god never gave me a good life, because it is with out a meaning/point so why should i help others?)"
"as long as your not helping something your life is pointless (isn't that like saying with out a point its pointless?)"
"As long as you know something can be better, you should be working towards it, why are you just sitting there"
"never tell your self that for now u are doing what's right at your level of mindfulness... because u may never think u need to progress"
"all i do now days is grapple with trying to through my self into helping others with all the force that i should (totality) but all i end up doing is nothing, nothing but thought, and THAT kills me inside.... i should be dead."
"The earlier the inception of kindness the greater effect it can have in the long term, perhaps those whom you've interacted with could of been dead or cruel people by now with out ur expansion of there understandings (treat the cause of suffering, which is human cruelty as well as the effect, misery) but that can't be all that makes ur life happier, can it?"
"I've never been one for walking down roads, i would kinda just prefer to sit on a grassy road side and watch the people and things pass by"
"I will either avoid or bump into any one who stands in my way, perhaps even ask them for some directions"
"A better question then 'How are you?' would be 'How are you being today?' as in what are you being like, or acting like today"
"If i have it good , should i help others in the best ways i have it... the best way i have it is mentally , and thats easy to help others with , because alot of people have trouble mentally and that trouble causes much pain.... if every one had a mind like me, then there would prolly be less pain, and the easiest way to help is prolly how the universe wants me to, and thats prolly mentally"
"Actions are the creators of stronger thoughts"
"Think of, Picture everyone as if they are, or as they were when they were a small child"
"Let Love fill you up & be full of love, let it flow through and into everything you do"
"Whats the difference between knowing your life needs a change, and changing it?"
"The bad parts of being human, should not be hated, they should be understood. be nice to people or you are a self loathing perpetuator of ignorance (Actions are the creators of stronger thoughts, so dont provoke or antagonize the wrong actions)"
"If you can recognize that in part you hate your self, then you can recognize that all humans are in the same boat (of existing with the feelings/troubles you have) and then you can start to understand and improve you self and the world around you"
"To exist is to fight suffering"
"all people want good things, some just do bad to get them"
"The system, from birth rewards those who act how it wants them to, and is hence forth BIASED"
"Here we are now, out of all the infinite points in time, here we are, us together, only us out of all the people through out all of time and out of all of the people have ever lived on earth, and out of all the things and matter that have preceded people, out of all of time, and out of all space in the universe, out of all the planets that have sludge that could of turned into people on them, and out of all those people, and all those bits of the universe, we are together, so lets not mess it up."
"Logic doesn't exist, only reasons for things happening, accept that"
"Its not that i hate certain things & situations, its just that i have an awkward troubled time accepting certain things & situations... and thats usually cos they don't meet my expectations or wants of them, I should accept the new situation and update my expectations, so I can be happy again and plot a better course of actions and expectations and not hate my own expectations or the new situation anymore" (PLOT THE NEW COURSE!!! PLOT THE NEW COURSE!!! PLOT THE NEW COURSE!!!)
"so missed opportunities and new dislikable situations are only perceived due to our expectations of what could of happened with out un-expected or un-thought of situational changes." (PLOT THE NEW COURSE!!! PLOT THE NEW COURSE!!! PLOT THE NEW COURSE!!!)
"keep your emotions, and expectations up-to-date with realtime situational change"
"even if we are the same thing, we have different experiences, maybe if we like lived to be 1000 we might start to agree""
"you should try to keep your human interactions as smooth as possible as every one has had an equally valuable experience of life, and your understanding can benefit from that, and there's"
"Don't worry about how fast others can think, just worry about what your thinking about"
"What would it be to not have a point to thinking your thoughts"
"There is nothing more i would want less then to be human, here, and end it if you don't matter"
"I serve the purpose of what ever i do"
"try to think of philosophical responses to any given thing said to you, and be all psycho analytical to people, and really act hard core like u badly need to understand where there coming from and who they are, and what makes em tick.... so all that, and you'll start to find people interesting, do it objectively and people might start to like u"
"All human responses are reasonable, given the absurdity of reality... so they can all be loved"
"all is relative"
"look inside of people, into the goodness thats in them"
"Its just about smiling, and being happy, and loving and trying to understand people, and seeing the good in them, and accepting them for what they are... only humans, but humans who want to be some thing more, be it good, selfless or better at something"
"were all just hurt, and we just need to get it out in some way. hence actions."
"Don't ever lose sight of a humans potential to be more then what they are. EVER!"
"You are not powerless, as u have a voice and a mind"
"Due to the relativity of perspective, statements cant be wrong"
"You've gotta love people for who they are, yet not ever lose sight of what they could be"
"It's all about understanding , acceptance and expectation"
"Just because your paranoid doesn't mean there not out to get you."
"Always Be Humble, never value yourself more then more then other do, or more then you do others.(in fact avoid value judgments all together)"
"meaning cant exist with out find the context before you evaluate a meaning"
"its all meaningful relative to ur life... but not relative to life and the universe in its entirety."
"its either all meaningful, or none of it is (individual reality versus general)"
"find the context to your life before you decide on the meaning ,as meaning cant exist with out context"
"we all have an individual perspective of the one world (tho if given a long enough life all our view might converge... then that would mean were one thing looking at one world from an infinite number of angles and experiences)"<---- the trick to having faith in humanity/good may lay in proving that.
"its the old "1 is infinite is 1" game."
"Humans are equal in so many aspects, you should value them all as equals, and have faith that there thoughts and beliefs are to them what yours are to you"
"i think my supposed enlightenment has extended into levels of the ridiculous... like some times people say stuff, and I'm just there like 'oh well, ok, as long as that seems right to u , then im kewl with it'."
"i think some times when u try to understand some ones thoughts more then they them selves have thought about them, you can change there conclusions by asking the right questions. so sometimes you trying to understand some one is like passively arguing with someone, and making them question and change there own trying to bring ignorance down from the inside out.... try it!"
"Try to understand (and hence validate) people, by asking there reasons for there thoughts/beliefs you have a cwonderance about"
"There is something about referring to earlier parts of a conversation that gives it continuity and intelligence, it is also an excellent chance for humor (loop/s , it the looniness)"
"philosophy/enlightenment can sometimes seem like drilling holes in who you are, just to see whats there"
"some times i look back at a moment and think 'that could of been a moment i could of use for thought' other times its 'that could of been a moment i could of used for action' either way, i lived what the moment was to its fullest"
"fractals are everything, fractals : the ultimate loop (every things a loop)"
"I'm not just at peace, I am peace.. and with this mind set hopefully i will be a piece of others peace"
"all people are equally different in there difference's, and all difference's can be good in certain circumstances... appreciate that"
"There is philosophy behind everything, thats not to say that everyone is a philosopher... To be a philosopher, you must appreciate that there is philosophy behind everything"
"why are you here?.. Meaning can't exist with out context, u must define what life is to you before you can understand, or decide what its meaning is.. And do you mean what is life in general, or what if your life... and relative to who? what if life in general to you, what is its meaning? what id your life with out a meaning? what would make your life meaningful to you?"
"I hate my inability to do with out meaning, and i think it might kill me"
"Matter is energy, you can't put your hand through rock"
"Live in real time, or conversationally speaking, live in the moment of creating a funny response to the very last thing that was said"
"pleasure doesn't exist, just the a lack of pain... and the biggest pain, existence"
"Life is a party, your mind is a confessional, your thoughts are your confessions, and your actions are your sins (merely existing is an action)"
"when u have opponents, u need only to out think them (OUT SMART 'EM) to beat them the best way possible"
"set directing the conversation in the way of wiping some one else's memory buffer, then let 'er rip to make em insane... but never tell em if think there close to being on your level of brain power"
"Every one is your enemy, you should constantly watch for when they do things, expect for them to attack u , so ALWAYS be constantly looking out for that."
"YOU See in life, what ever you want to see in life."
"look into the past and say 'well, what did u expect to happen?"
"were all here to learn what love is about"
"The GIFT is HOPE, the packaging, is SADness..."
"They all want to dream of a better place then what there at....its only human"
"If every one bends to knowing that every one else is crazy, then well all get along fine."
"I am the OWL, in the word NOW"
-Homer Simpson
"Think of all the things u'd say to the universe knowing the context of what it ALL is to u"
"Where does scitzophrenia end, and the spiritual worlds start?"
"Let ur mind be free (freedom is an infinite perfect paradox)"
"always be nice and open"
"Love: Just a lil help passing through the world i guess."
"Breathe in and forget your alive"
"and describe to me all the things that will come out of this 'Always trying to FACE the truth' you do."
"the nature of man is to HAVE absolutism's, but not USE absolutism's"
"It's all got to do with having faith that ur truth is a good truth for u"
"every one has faith in the subjective world, but does any one in the general"
"we all have faith in SOMETHING, we all have faith in that what we think is true, is true.... and we understand what we experience and hence forth accept of it (probe the truth, and u will always be on ur way)"
"we are all still only here, 'cos we haven't met the conditions of our deaths yet"
"faith, truth, how u evaluate the worth of something, versus another thing"
"the only thing u should ever be able to do with life, is say that u lived it"
"expectations are a form of compromise"
"to search for the truth in reality, infers that you have faith that there is truth in reality"
"It's all got to do with having faith that ur truth is a good truth for u"
"I didn't realize it before, but am a simple person , with simple dreams, i could be contented for all eternity, by just being endlessly around the someone i love (its the most pleasant feeling ever) ...I will work my arse off for that one simple dream, and that one infinitely explorable person."
"were all only here only cos we haven't met the circumstances of our deaths yet"
"most critics are cynical arse holes"
"i read the world differently then u tho."
"we form all our views on what will happen in the future, based on looking at the difference between the past and present... so we see some changes as effecting the potential of other things in the future."
"Maybe the answers i just really simple, so fucking simple that u can see to act upon them, maybe thats why i hate you."
"we are working for the changes we make"
"Again, no wrong no right, only difference, finite in the infinite due to perspective and vice-versa"
"no one will live my life, the way i do. it is unique at least"
"all truth comes from existence, existence is from where all of what we call truth flows, it is all just a giant, infinite re-hashing of what it is for stuff to exist"
"to understand being hurt, and to see what causes the pain in others, and to see that i am like u... this is to be human, so should we unite? (unite in our cause of not feeling so pained?)"
"we're all equally unimportant"
"should peoples value depend on how many lives they effect"
"what will you have to explain to your kids?"
"if you stay here, your just gunna keep doing stuff u don't like"
"Talk slow, and softly and try to mean everything you say. Craft each word, with ur breathe"
"You will cause a small void which will soon be filled once you are gone"
"when your life is just sitting round in a room all day wondering what to do with your life, is it a life.....answer: yes"
"what is it about humans that should be valued, find it, value it"
"My human eyes prolly scanned the same places as yours on this page, the difference being that when i did it , there was nothing here... I was only human, as u are only human, u should leave ur mark too"
"no more saying hello or good bye, its pointless... just tell people u are going"
"people fighting with unliked expectations of them selves get angry, and can lash out"
"I cannot speak with one meaning, but to my self"
"I am a shuffle of one"
"try to gently and passively remove ignorance where ever you may find it, as it is a powerful cause of great sufferings"
"<person1> u talk shit <person2> hey, u gotta let it out some where"
"concentrate = consciousness centered on a trait"
"If something bothers you, but you CAN'T change it, then all u can do is change you"
"WORLD; stand on me, crush me, but don't you ever think that u killed me, I'm the only one who can do that"
"level and center ur mind on now..realize it's an interaction..fondle the interaction , then just let it flow , let it flow , let it flow , to where ever it's gunna go"
"I know sometimes there seems to be no point to life, and frankly there is no foreseeable one, so dont dwell on it, just accept it and move along"
"never put more of your self forward the you are asked to"
"Realizing the world hurts, and has killed many"
"The greatest good comes from the hardest lessons"
"The more time u spend getting your self right, the better quality of trying to get others right u should be able to give"
"Love ur fellow man, as they are you. Help them the way your problems scream for help."
"of course u hate the world, we are all here and in pain, and no body knows what or why to do... why not just die?"
"All truth comes from existence"
"the world can be more beautiful reflected in some one, as it has less direct glare"
"don't have kids unless u plan to make them strong for life, and hope to have them learn to lessen the suffering around them."
"I have faith that all humans suffer existence"
"there is a difference between knowing that we all suffer existence, and knowing what that means and its implications"
"either live to enlighten, or dont."
"Your only as old as u feel, as u only exist in the now"
"Love what it is to be human, and love seeing an interacting with that in a positive way"
"Faith is attempting the seemingly impossible, and attempting the seemingly impossible is like the horizon, u can never reach it, but at least u get some where"
"were all alone, but that doesn't mean we should turn on each other, cos were clearly on the same team , as we all have the same goal, less suffering"
"some times you've got to experience bad to know to avoid it, especially after being in a state of not knowing it"
"when u feel like u have nothing to do, but dont want to be doing nothing, be selfless, i mean if you'd otherwise be doing nothing, or something pointless, u may as well do something that has a point, even if it is only relative to some one other then u... give away needing a point , give in to having a point relative to others"
"I want the impossible, I want to be worth something."(the impossible; u can never reach it, but at least u get some where)
"if your life, was really meaningless, u could be selfless all the time"
"nothing does matter, its fine however it is"
"absolute acceptance of how things are, it does not matter, things just are how they are at any moment of now, what u do depends on whether u care about the now of tomorrow, there is no meaning, only reasons"
"total acceptance of the moment, and any moments that stems from it. things are how they are, and will be how they will be.. i dont think i need reasons to do stuff now.. or to not do stuff for that matter"
"who cares if u mean something or not"
"start all the thoughts about the actions u would like to undertake with 'in nothing matters then it doesn't matter that i......'"
"if nothing matters , then it doesn't matter if u go out, get a job (and if its just shoveling shit, then it still doesn't matter that ur happy shoveling shit), find a wife, and be happy for the rest of ur life, then die happy"
"if nothing matters, then it doesn't matter that ur perminatly content"
"don't take important things for granted"
"how ever many people u can help in this world is how many u can hurt"
"Nothing matters when ur happy, so be happy to be happy, and nothing will matter"
"but if u dont feel like being happy, then dont be.. just be what u are (having only 2 mode , happy and content would be nice tho, maybe with a good capacity for acceptance and to emotionally deal/accept things quickly u could get that)"
"if u dont care about u, and u dont care if others do, if u dont believe in god, and stuff just seems to be stuff, then die"
"Life teaches you what you choose to be taught"
"some times all u can do is try to understand"
"is selflessness relative? could i be selfless, and not care about my self, but still not care about anyone else?... is that what being suicidal is?"
"There is no them, just lots of you's"
"Your you remember"
"Feel free to be you, feel free to lose ur self in ur u'ness, feel free to express ur opinion (preferably with reason)"
"trust nothing, but what happens"
"we're all just people trying to live how we like"
"humans just want to be understood (as it works as an external validation of the self) so (if u want them to like u) treat them how they want to be treated (try to see there reasoning process, and why in general)"
"Your voice, in your head when u think, who tells it what to say? (do u? if so, how do u decide thats what to say to ur self...external input + previous experience = u?...previous experience is external what ever i do the world has made me come to the conclusion of , as i am the world)" <--oops , thats the illusion of freewill.
"The future can overwhelm u like a void, cos it is a void, as it doesn't exist yet"
"Find something that no one else like u is doing... then do it, and well OR MAYBE find something that every one else like u is doing, then do it, but do it differently and well = recognition"
"Lots of things need a lil less bark and a lil more bite"
"Stop talking/thinking about better days, and go have some"
"Are all the interesting tricks and things about space (ie, magicians tricks, perception) applicable to time in some way? and vice versa (space is time after all)"
"We can only live this life once. So what you do in this life , is what you have to of done (this is what i say when threatened... of course, it doesn't mean i dont do what i have to too)"
"Jealousy can sometimes be thinking some one is LUCKY to have something, when in actual fact, they worked really hard to get it"
"If you can't give what you don't have, then give what you do"
<person1> whats a matter? <person2> nothing matters, so how can anything be a matter.
"There seems to be only way to see if there is a god, and if he has forsaken u, try to kill your self"
"Plenty of time or suicide later"
"Stop giving a fuck about the little things in your life... and start to obey ur absolute truth policy"
"Just be what you are for now, you can always not be some time later"
"You don't have to think, you don't have to do, you just have to be"
"You worry too much , Just be & let it flow if it flows, and not if its not, and if it's not, just say honestly why"
"If you have a thought, then think it, if you dont, then dont" <---clearly didn't think there
"The suicidal have lost hope, hope for better things. They no longer dream of a better future."
"to be competent is a choice"
"he let him self and his own doubts of him self, get the better of him self... He could of been more, if not for his self... he is me"
"Life is pointless with out a context, YOUR past is the context for YOUR life" (so use it to determine a point)
"Complete sensory deprivation would cause death, Are we all at some level of sensory deprivation? want to feel more alive? then your prolly at some level of deprivation"
"heighten your consciousness by being conscious of more things, by experiencing more things, humans are always happiest when expanding there horizons (or maybe to be on a higher level of consciousness, u could just be conscious of more OBSERVANT, of more things around u)"
"Is human interaction only ever spawned from a hope for something better?"
"Aim to walk around the world, but only take it step by step"
"We are man, we have a lot in kind, we are man kind"
"You may not of asked to come here, but you can ask to leave" (If u dont kill yourself, then you can no longer blame your parents)
"maybe we want the pain of being alive that is in all of us, recognized"
"If nothing seems important to you, then perhaps you should help others with that which seems important to them" (and we all want to be understood/appreciated as an external validation...perhaps some are even arrogant enough to think they should be treated differently)
"The Battle between being known (understood) and not, drives human creativity.... we are only 1, but are amongst many, many, none of whom can understand us like we do (the way we want to be understood) and of course, being understood gives us all that validation crap"
"look at what u dont want to get what u do?.. and vice versa?"
"suicide = join the void = absolute understanding through removal of the self"
"People either need to understand something, or be understood... always one of the 2, always try one of the 2 with people"
"Zen; why bother thinking?"
"We my love are 2 wings of the one butterfly... to be human"
"things to do; make a homage to mistakes"
"Make people feel worthwhile, by honestly telling them what of them will live on in you"
"huh? 'Giving to the world' ?.....why what who where?"
"It's more then seeing your worth in the eyes of others, its letting others see there own worth"
"Look at the practical side of things only...'cos the fact is, anything that's not specific/practical doesn't exist and or is useless waste"
"existence is suffering, all suffering is caused by desire, i have the desire to not suffer, and hence forth will suffer until i either remove that desire, or cease to exist (ie. suicide)"
"To want to not have any wants is a want until you get it (want as in desire, as in all suffering comes from)"
"the world's problems will NEVER be solved 'cos we ALL only care about our own problems, and not the worlds, until they intersect"
"there are two types of infinity to be in awe of, infinite something, and infinite nothing (minus the semantics of nothing being something)..... and since our human minds are relative (we see from 1 singular perspective) there is only one type of infinity we can only truly be in awe of, unconsciousness and death (understanding potential is prolly the closest you'll get to the 'something' kind of infinity...maybe thats why i like fractals)"
"You can only avoid something once u recognize it as something to be avoided"
"People won't hate you if u go away (suicide)"
"meh, i didn't like doing stuff when i was doing stuff"
"I don't want to be where ever i am, 'cos i just don't want to be anymore"
"be miserable all you need to"
"Human reactions are reactions to a change in the potential of the future, they are not reactions to the present (so to react, u must place values on things...if u start to not care about the future, or don't know what to value, then u will feel dead.....U FEEL DEAD, U NEED TO DECIDE WHAT TO VALUE!)" <---that how some magic tricks impact?
"all success is about making the right decisions"
"wait for all your BEST options to be realized before you make a decision... But don't wait for ones that won't be best, at the cost of ones that could be"
"To decide what you value in life, makes it infinitely easier, as you can choose to live in honor, for the things you value the highest (you can only choose from what life actually HAS to offer). These are your values"
"if your living for nothing, it should be easier to TRY to living for anything"
"I value respect where it is deserved, and a void of respect where it is not... Of course, all human life is to be respected, as it all has a positive potential (does this mean u should live to facilitate the freedom of enabling this potential?, living for others...selflessness)"
"The evil's of the world, far out weight the good (eg. why money, when charity?) and as long as i can never bring my self to be selfless (and know i cant), i am just another evil, so should cease my existence as it is the only way i know of to allow more good in this world."
"I am evil, I can only care about ME (and my joy/comfort),I can only be selfish, So I shall remove the only selfish person on earth that i have the right to.... make more room for others, as i can't live here, in this back-bone-lessly weak state of inability any more"
"I hate me, as i understand it all, yet still can't do it."
"I'm worthless to me, and I'm less then that, as i understand it all, but still i do nothing. As i can't judge better or worse, right or wrong (i don't see potential any more) people to (learn how to) help people? what the fuck is the point? hence forth selfishness, hence forth i suffer and feel worthless, hence forth i should remove myself, I'm not part of the solution, i create waste, i understand the problem, i contribute to it, but *I* wont help. So all *I* can do is remove MYSELF"
"I can't be here any more and just LOOK at IT , knowing i WONT help. Knowing I can't be Fucked, 'cos it would be TOO FUCKEN much discomfort to MY life.. I am pure selfishness, and i can't live with that"
"I am selfish.... And *I* deserve to be hated for knowing that."
"I can't fucking feel anything anymore, I can't even fucking love anymore"
"Selfish self pity, and self loathing is all i have left, and i don't want it anymore....i can't help, so I'm not staying"
"We keep others alive (pretend to care) , so we ourselves don't die of misery, and worthlessness... what a fucked up way to stay alive, I wont have a bar of it, i don't like it here, I'm leaving"
"we can't all be happy sitting in our own shit, get up and leave if you know that you can't do anything else"
"If you can't be fucked being happy to be selfish, And you can't be fucked putting your self through selflessness (aka too selfish) , then SHUT UP (which is impossible with out fucking off) and FUCK OFF"
"I know other people are as selfish as me, your only ever doing something 'cos it gives something to you"
"don't let ur selfishness get out of hand, end it before it can"
"Why not cause others pain?... Because we're ALL already in pain, and NONE of us need more of it, and it will no doubt, only come back to cause YOU pain"
"I'm sorry that I can't be something more for every one (whom i interact with) in my life.... I'm so sorry, because I know they all want to feel worth something as much as i do....But I'm sorry, all i can do is leave, because i can't even love them anymore (let alone love them enough to stay alive for them), that's how worthless i am"
"I am worthless to the point of not even wanting (or caring) to be worthy in the eyes of others, i just want to leave"
"I don't want to continue living in misery, I know that that is all I will be able to do, as i know i can't get past the fact, that i am me, and no one else... so hence forth would never be any thing but miserable, as all i can do is selfish... i would only help when it suited me, and that would result in living in misery... so i am leaving"
"I want to go, because i dont want to stay, because staying means turmoil and difficulty"
"Don't concentrate on where your, Concentrate on where your going.....then quit when your ahead"
"Selflessness like most things, comes in degree's"
"a savior is some one who saves Ya... they have to be successful to qualify"
"suicide IS easier, but then again, thats the point" <--- Its an easy SOLUTION, Its an easy SOLUTION, Its an easy SOLUTION.
"Yes i can only do things that are meaningful in the eyes of other, Yes others make up my self-worth, and Yes i don't care about that anymore, now all i care about is not being here (And i dont intend on making the wait to not be here any more painful for all involved (ie hurting them cos i dont want to be here, or want there help)"
"I don't want anything life has to offer, I only want to not have things that it can give me (ie suffering)"
"Pleasure (please your? pleasing those who aren't u?) is a degree of less suffering, death is an absolute of not being able to suffer" (Happiness is a long term degree of less suffering tho?)
"Humans have both the greatest potential to remove suffering, but they also seem to create alot of it" (pessimism, optimism?)
"Why are we here? to feel GOOD!, why feel good? 'cos it's better then feeling bad (or nothing).I would feel good being good in and at the things i do."
"Causing pain is the signature of feeling bad"
"It will always be easier to transform things destructively, then to transform things creatively, because it takes more control, energy, lessons and worth to create. And tho destructive negativity may give you lessons, with enough of those lessons you will see it is the signature and cause of pain to you and to others. (and is less you because has more random elements, and less control) recognize this then you will be able to work against it for the lessening of suffering to you and to others (both at the same time,as lessening suffering make u feel better)"
"It will always be easier to destroy then create, and that may give you lessons, but when you have enough lessons you will see it as the signature and cause of yours and others pain, then be able to work against it for you and others"
"Suffering is to be reversed and learned from, not wasted on destructivity"
"Being good is what you deserve for being good, A selfless act is its own reward, so take rewards when your low & you need them the most. Otherwise just be your self."
"Your not lost if you don't know where you are, Your lost if you don't know where your going."
"Hope for a better future is what people should be focusing on."
"We are all intelligent enough (have enough of an ability to understand each other) to get along."
"Only any one who is with out empathy, would raise there hand in anger with out thinking of the future and pain they may as well be causing directly to them selves."
"We should all be capable (have the future potential) of being peaceful and kind to everyone... even if they are hurting , and expressing there hurt."
"Life is pointless with out a context, Who you are and your past, is your context... and your future should be your hope, and your drive. we are very temporal creatures. Human reactions are reactions to a change in the potential of the future, they are not reactions to the present."
"I know you suffer, I know you can be happy, I want you to be happy"
"I know we suffer, I know we can be happy, I want us to be happy"
"Humans always either need to understand or to be understood"
"Live in moments of enjoyment, when you need to"
"Reciprocate the similar"
"All experience is beneficial in some way, as they all have lessons to be learnt, then used and imparted to make joy (or at least less future suffering)"
"Religion causes a faith that u cant get in your self, because it is MUCH easier to lose faith in yourself"
"Look for what you like in others, and try to take that on board"
"we sow a thought and reap an act, sow an act and reap a habit, sow a habit and reap a character, sow a character and reap a destiny."
"Respect suffering where ever you find it"
"Respect those whom do not assume things about you, because they respect you enough not to assume things about you" (if your not assuming, you must be accepting)
"Never Avoid Questions"
"Were all only human, we must expect pain. And maybe use that as a reason to try to resolve it in others"
"Respect those whom can do what you want to be able to
"Rare = Valuable"
"You can own,see,use,feel,experience and play with anything you want in your mind"
"What you can pull yourself into, you can pull ur self out of"
"The brother hood of man, is all about knowing that were all fucked up"
"just accept the reality around you and chill, be at peace, with all things, and all people and what not.... i can't control the fate there going towards (i would only want to if i thought it was bad, and if its good, ill just be happy for 'em, people want others happy by showing there on right track them selves.), i can only offer my opinion to passively guide them... and im gunna guide them to being able to find peace in what ever they have"
"be pleasant to all u come in contact with, let that be ur power, the power to always be pleasant, and dont let any one let YOU lose that :) peace too all, as we all suffer at the times we lose that"
"When you wake up, The only days work you have on any given day, is to keep your peace, and that means showing it by being outwardly peaceful and loving to those around you"
"A peaceful attitude (and action) is the best indicator of intelligence"
"lying is easy if u dont trust, and question the motives of every one!"
"Anything the mind can dream and conceive, it can achieve"
"There is too much suffering in the world, i don't want to let it get on top of me and become a contributer to something i hate"
"i hate suffering! i must fight suffering! i declare a jihad on suffering! my weapon is peace, peace in me, shown and given to all i can (those i meet)!"
"It's funny how from the out side of something you can see the truth, this is why you can ask ask for advice"
"Timing and focus equals success"
"I don't want to be anything, and worse of all , i dont want to be full of hate because im being something i dont want to be"
"suicide isn't selfish, not letting suicidal people have an easy death because YOU want em round is!"
"Actions are concious, Re-actions arent, never just re-act, always pre-think about your actions!"
"I dont mind, if you find some one's good is better then mine, i just want to be true, and live my life in peace through truth , and good."
" causing suffering = problems, problems = anger, anger = suffering (and more problems), suffering is what im fighting against (for everyone?)."
"I need to keep my head in the game, and/or accept if im causing suffering to who/what/where/why/when... then not if i am, but aren't FORCED too."
"TO exist (as a singular being) is to be selfish, and to be selfish is to suffer."
"acceptance & understanding = peace and relaxation/calmness."
"WE are here to re-structure things in a more complicated stucture (possibly through self expression), the best way i can do this is better other's to the point of them wanting to re-stucture others in the same complicated way.... to bring all 'up' to my supposed level of what u know about the world (oooohhhh the arrogance) :\ "
"If somethings not very relavent to you , your not too likley going to partake in it... but why? we should be asking why not, and doing anything that we think will not perminatly impare our ability to do anything in the future."
"<person1> how are you? <person2> i got nothing to complain about that most other ppl couldnt <person1> most ppl dont"
"everything is leading to being anything every where, or rather our choice of anything anywhere we want it to be"
"You don't have to interact with people to show them that you are at peace, you just have to show them that you are at peace with all when they interact with you... other then that, just relax and chill out, where ever you are , and who ever is about."
"dont see what you want to , see what's there."
"every thing expects understanding and wants freedom" (:P)
"tell me who can resist jumping to the conclusion?"
"I have trouble defining against the people who i know whom live in my head, and the ones who are round me when im around... the raw data, and the processed data if u will"
"We learn selfishness with singular existence, but can we un learn it?" (what kinda exercise would cause that, group punishment)
"We are all suffering lost little children in the world, suffering drives us"
"The freedom of the birds is in your mind"
"success : making decisions based on formula's factors and constraints, given the real time data"
"Optimists take what they need, Pessimists take what they THINK they need"
"Grumpy and irritable, or Peaceful and Nice...ask ur self , which one u REALLY prefer to be, which ones more constructive, and which one u would prefer the people around u to be... be what u like the people around u to be like to you" (do unto others as you would have them do unto u)
"Transcend your own pain and suffering, Transcend the hate and expressions of pain from those around you, transcend it all, be your self, respect others enough to let them talk over you, as they must feel they have a stronger need to be understood, fight your need to be understood (dont yell back at them)) by knowing that you understand you, and have all the time in the world to express your understanding of them later.... transcend the out side for what you know you have inside"
"Transcend negativity, dont let it bring you down, transcend the urge to be negative, transcend your negative emotions and feelings, transcend the negative"
"Most people mean well, but not all people can see that well for all can mean well for them"
"Relax, you'll live longer"
-Arney, Total Recall
"War is war, Hate is hate & any creation of suffering is wrong. So any lessening of suffering is right?! (less for who/what? As long as it doesnt creat suffering for who/what? can matter suffer?)"
"Beautiful People, Those who you want around and whom you want to be around, those whom you love, those whom you evny. Those who do what you can't. YOU LOVE THEM! Be like them, try to be the best of what you see in those around you."
"Live now , but respect always"
"Lots of concepts dont exist, but there still usefull to have round"
"respect those who do not assume anything about you, as they respect you enough not to"
"let people make there assumptions about u, who cares, who gives a fuck about anything"
"Just exist, and only offer ur opinion when it is asked for"
"I don't know what you want from me, but can u take it, and let me die."
"i look at what humans do to each other, and see this is not a world i can live in...I'm afraid i must die"
"I am not a beast, I have a choice, I am me and can choose what to be."
"I don't pity you, I pity your actions, and ur needless suffering, which all only stems from the fact that YOU can't bring YOURSELF to change"
"most things are fine how they are if u change how u think of them to more, innocent, loving and giving thinkings, motives and change how ur thinking about the things in ur life, to those said things."
"If u understand alot of how life works, and have a good perspective on how to be happy (ie help others when and how u can), u dont necessarily need to be living , or to of lived a terribly interesting life... as that kinda life often leads back to conclusions of empathy, helping and trying to understand others."
"What happens as time goes by, shouldn't bother you if u choose to understand it, accept it (not necessarily approve of it), appreciate it, and enjoy it for what is appreciable about it"
"most people are optimists sometimes, and pessimists sometimes"
"If you only love one other human, then given the amount of us about, you may as well just be %100 selfish and just love yourself self"
"Love can't be won, so don't ever try"
"It should always be assumed that that those around you want there silence, peace quiet, and to be relaxed"
"it can be not knowing the future , that keeps us interested"
"You don't have to be anything, Just Be"
"The biggest mistake one can make, is thinking that they have found enlightenment, and don't need to search any more"
"is it possible to love all humans, not for what they are now, but for the possibility of what beautiful selfless things they could be with some guidance."
"of course, they say that pride comes before a fall, so i guess humility/pity comes before an up-draft."
"If you don't accept your self, you'll always be trying to make others like/accept you"
"It's not your problems that are the problem, its how your looking at them"
"Inner Turmoil (lack of internal contentment/peace) = Stress , Stress = anger, pain, suffering, age, negativity (lack of peace)"
"Peace VS Suffering, thats all everything is"
"Less Peace = More Suffering , More Peace = Less Suffering"
"dont be jealous, just strive for equality and peace"
"Dont compare your self to others, compare your self to your previous self.... but never stop striving cos you think you've come far enough... Because you never have" (perfection is like the horizon, you can never reach it, but at least you get some where)
"When you can only feel hate or nothingness towards everything in your life then you should be crying, cos it means your dying painfully (unless you want to die painfully)"
"Don't look for a solution, look for a resolution"
"Don't worry, just be concerned"
"Accepting, Reversing and learning from suffering is the best way to convert it into peace" (and u can't give peace if u dont have it)
"There is an infinite horizon of ocean and sky in all of use, and our breathing is our consciousness washing its waves on the shores of existence and reality" (breathing & meditation, calm the ocean of ur mind <hearts and oceans can feel when similar hearts and oceans are near, and they screech out to great them, but can never be whole and together, until the absolute (or non) consciousness of death>)
"History has shown that the road to injustice is frequently lit with the light of good intention." Nils Riis
"Crazy is working 70 hours a week at a job you can't stand" -The Eagle
"We're all posers, you've just got to decide what to pose as"
"although, perfection is generally thought of as impossible, is it possible to be perfect in relation to the singular? (ie always saying the perfect thing to a person u know well enough)"
"There is nothing in the future, but what u take with you there"
"Never hate your self for what you are, only hate your self for what you cant be... and use that to drive you to try to be it"
"The biggest mistake any one searching for truth can make, is think that they have found it, and stop looking"
"Nice guys may finish last, but no one else could be such gracious losers, and be so empowered as to hold enjoyment and fair play over winning... they hardly ever lose any ones respect, or are hated"
"There are always too many unknowns, and unknowable things about people, there lives, minds, and potential for ANYONE to claim superiority over ANYONE else"
"Don't hate, pity. Pity for the cycle of suffering/hate, hate brings"
"are you a simpleton who think's there a genius , or a genius who thinks they are a simpleton"
"One thing every thing has is potential, can you view everything in terms of potential?"
"Expansion of consciousness; experience as much as you can, experience it with as much detail as u can, paying as much attention to the uniqueness of the experience as you can (maybe even slowly to be conscious of more, living in the real time moment). Then process, think about, and review and understand it better when back with the familiar, mundane or previously done, and try more unique experiences as rare is valuable, And uniqueness of experience makes us up to some extent, so unique ones will make u a more unique, different and individual person. (unique as in not many of the current living population has tried experiencing them)"
"If people respect you enough to put there trust in you, Then respect them enough not to abuse that trust"
"Love is not to be caught, it is not to be trapped, it is not to be defined, restricted or put in a box.... It IS to be set free, It is to BE free"
"If some one is your personification of love, then you should set them free to be happy in love"
"There are no idiots, only, monga's and silly duffers"
"Do snails fall in love? Do flies? Can spiders fall in love? Has a spider ever lived alone, and died alone? (if no, then what about dolfins?.. what questions do these questions lead to?)"
"Dont ever assume that what you need is what the people around you need"
"Anyone who can purposely hurt someone else, clearly doesn't understand them"
"Space and time seem infinitely divisible because they don't exist, as only now exists"
"suicide is only a problem because it's not what others want... and its equally selfish of them to want u to live in suffering , as it is of you to make them suffer with your death.. whats more, they lie about loving you, as they dont love u enough to let you have what you want"
"Everything has a context (enviros/existent) which points to a goal (objective/function) not so much a goal as much as what it thinks it's future should/might be. you can negotiate, or compromise successively with that."
"if u have faith in the fact that reality offers an absolute truth, then u will listen to all aspects of reality.. no matter how sick, disturbing or horrible.. as they are all part of reality, and peoples conclusions of reality." (listen and decide, but dont speak, your conclusions are your own... take as much input from every one around you tho.. be the eternal student, let reality and others teach u... and NEVER be so arrogant that you think they want to hear ur opinion, or even ur voice, unless asked)
"What you are is realities gift to you; what you make of yourself is your gift to reality."
"I have used my experience of life, to decide upon all my philosophical views and opinions, to the point that, to decide any more would be to place faith in knowing the currently unknowable.. on these matters, i have basis alone, and nothing (and maybe will never have anything) solid"
"know what you are saying, know why you are saying it, know to whom you are saying it.... the quickest way to expose a charlatan is to ask them why"
"Nothing to do?.... that is up to you."
"Personally, I would avoid any religion seeing as they involve a supernatural world and man's existential questions deal with the natural world."
"An appeal to the supernatural is a child's call to his imaginary friend."
"to be loved, is to love with all my heart."
"Stay a silent, follow the coincidences, follow your path"
"Love, can't live with it, can't live with out it."
"All humans can be loved equally, just look at the loves of your life to see that. They may all be different, but they are equal in there difference, as all differences are equally different....So as individual as humans are, so shall your love for them be"
"wrong doer's can be seen as a past you, or at least as not having had some of the thoughts you have"
"I have two modes; 'Slow' where i dont really understand any one, and 'Fast' where no one really understands me"
"Why take offense to aggression, when it's just an expression/sign of the aggressors pain/suffering/ignorance."
"won is now backwards." (act now to win?)
"Your pacifist ideals, against the creation of physical suffering, should apply equally so to the creation of emotional distress and suffering"
"Home is in your head"
"Don't let people get to you, only let the truth get to you"
"Is what you remember of an experience what an experience is about?"
"Never lose sight of human's ability for adaptation and resiliance"
"If you deffined when you were talking generally, and when you were talking specifically more clearly, you would appear less contradictory"
"Don't ever revel in the fact that you are lacking in a virtue"
"Do not applie, or let be applied limits to who you are"
"to be humble is to find a strength and confidence in who you are enough to be humble (humble you self)"
"The mind is only limited by what it chooses to be limited by"
"if there's just difference, and there just different realities, and the mind is only limited by what it chooses to be limited by, then why can't you just switch between them?"
"to be concious, seems to be a matter of control, and the opinion of what you control."
"Be silent, Self contained, peaceful & confident... but that's not arrogant (Don't be boysterous or obnoxious tho)"
"Never justify your own actions by attacking those of others, or others."
"If you percive positive behaviour, then take it on board, if you percive negative behaviour, Then question it to the point that you can see what should of been done, & more importantly WHY. (ussualy the opposite)"
"Were all human, we all have (And have the potential for) Good and Bad in us so we all and any one of us deserves good and bad things happening"
"Go around spouting to people the one truth you know, Your dying! There dying! There dead. You're dead. Everyone is dead."
"It's all there, faith, selflessness, death for everyone, The unkown, Hope, real timedness, Love for everyone. All in that one action... Death."
"non existence, non-consequenciality, non-reality, non-emotions, limitlessness, freedom, irrelavance, It's all there inside death."
"irrelavance of the minor, causes noticing of the major. And Irrelavance of the major, causes noticing of the minor. There is only that, no insanity, no breaking with reality, no wrong or right, no lack of truth, no faulse beliefs, just THAT; different values, different conclusions on life, for different experiences, there is ONLY difference. (2 sides of the 1 coin... be BOTH sides at the right time/s)"
"why bother? it would just cause a different reality?.......why NOT bother? it would just cause a different reality?"
"Can you be selfless in things that only concern you?"
"Get used to being watched, as there is always tiny creatures with there tiny eye pairs of tiny eyes on you, all the time"
"You can either assume that they'd tell you to shut up if they didn't want to hear you, OR assume that they would ask you to speak if they wanted to hear from you." (the latter is more humble & selfless, as all expects understanding and wants freedom) do both at times."
"A government's job is to protect its domains freedoms, but a governments function appears to be to make choice as non-choice as possible, and as freedom defined is freedom denied, they should work wit non-or inverse freedoms" (saying what you can't do <things that harm others>, not what you can)
"Don't let people get to you, only let the truth get to you"
"Loving another person isn't separate from loving realities ability to teach. One is a single wave, the other is the ocean. Contemplate love every day. Loving reflections make the heart grow. Surrender to love as a guiding force. Love never forces. Love is intelligent"
"You can't compare anything against anything, because every thing is absolutely different."
"confidence, and a healthy love and strength in who u are is an attractant.... but that doesn't mean u have to be better then others, or confident in you body, or ur money, or you life. The ONLY thing you have to be confident in is your MIND, and your ability to not let small people effect it in negative ways"
"every now and then i get this head ache about not giving 2 flying fucks about any one but my self... then i try to kill my self."
"I dont know how people want me to be, I dont know how i want to be, i dont know anything, so fuck it all, its all fucked up, so im just gunna forget that im alive and in reality. FORGET IT and just be, flow and chill"
"life is about having your head kicked in, forgetting about it, then asking for it to happen again"
"apologize as soon as u do something bad/wrong, that way you wont have to bear the burden of having to remember to later"
"our relationships get stronger as secrets give way to truths"
"I want to do nothing , eternally (i am contented with the joy i get from the small things i perceive whilst doing nothing).... To the point that i would be contented to be nothing, to join the infinite void over having to do something" (I am how ever, not content with the life span of my doing nothing)
"To get to sleep, concentrate all ur brain power, and all your self control on not moving a muscle"
"It's virtues that u need to have, virtue blind but true, known from the depths of your soul with out reason, only known like the truest of faith, like the most beautiful of seascapes, it will bare your soul with love to the ends of life and reality, Virtue, that is impossible to know the power and beauty of with out absolutely giving your self in to it"
"You can assess and process the potential of the future, given the context, values and experiences you have gleamed in the past in order to have an emotion in the now." (but my main value is to view things as not better or worse, only different... This can be over come by using comparative worth to evaluate which futures would involve the least suffering)
"Mental growth (and the acuity of your judgment) never stops, because you are always contributing to the mass of past experience you can draw on." (hence forth heaven,nirvana & perfection in imperfection is not a constant and does expand exponentially with the human mind)
"Comparative worth still needs an objective in order to function as a process, Your lack of suffering may be the objective all your theories need to function relative to you" (selfish? perhaps to some degree impossible to avoid)
"Infinite exponentiality of peace makes me drool as my mind is trapped in it's singularly relative perspective of/and fourth dimensional time" (maximum hope = faith?)
"...I mean i can't be sure, but i dont think <joke opinion> was accurate statement" (sarcasm, ribbing + rubbing it in = funny)
"Others need to see reason (need you to show them yours), as they CAN NOT see inside your head"
"We all always have all the time in our worlds, so relax" (how important could your current objectives possibly be, if we all dont even know the objective of being its self... so relax, and be euphoric, and dont question that euphoric contentment, as this paragraph has explained all you need to know.chill)
"If you trickle out your pain, or what ever you feel the need to expressm it will reveal whom rely cares and is willing to show love and that they want to understand you." (Love expects understanding and wants freedom)
(an idea about what you would feel strongly enough about to always want to express it, some thing that may never go away, and may cause ur suicidal depression.) "Go around spouting to people the one truth you know, Your dying! There dying! There dead. You're dead. Everyone is dead."
"A dumb person surrounds them self with smart people, a smart person surrounds them self with smarter people, whom disagree with them."
"I don't feel i have anyone real, really in my life who understands or cares for me, should that bother me?" (Will that only be true until i can be more selfless?)
"how can you discern between when something is being given and when something is being taken?"
"Does anyone really care about anything that doesn't in the end just count as them selves?"
"We are all complicated, or at least we all like/need to think that"
"Can all your decisions be made by spocks 'the needs of the many , out weight the needs of the few'?"
"dont kill him, his my pet spider, his nice, he wouldn't hurt a fly"
"you need all the things plants do."
"I want to be powerful, so that i can be responsible, and good in that power"
"Speak in as philosophically accurate terms and phrasing as u can relative to what u intend to communicate"
"Sometimes god's people stop enjoying his new creations"
"The coincidences in your life, are the white rabbit, like Alice you must follow them.... follow the white rabbit"
"When your not happy, you should be relaxed, thats an order... only allow your self to have those two modes, relaxed and happy" (=patients?)
The virtue of patients can never be fully taught.
"T.O.E = *subject* expects understanding and wants freedom"
"Why shouldn't you do things that are irrational? And who decides them to be irrational?"
"As much as you shouldn't claim to know unknowns, You shouldn't claim to not know them either"
"Each time you come across a mental aggressor (from inside, or out) you must become larger then it mentally"
"Love is freedom IN understanding!... to be in love with every thing to the point that u want to freely understand it!... keep pursuing IT!"
"Get too objective and things will seem distant and irrelevant to you"
"Happiness is the congruence of all unknown desires"
(I used to think happiness was the lack of suffering, now im toying with the idea, Happiness is the congruence of all unknown desires.)
"Yes is my favorite answer"
"there is nothing more humble then to say; I am just a man."
"The congruence of all known beliefs to be true?"
"I've just been so distant, just tried to be so objective, that I'm not even here now."
"I dont see people as people any more, I see them as reminders of time..... as fragmented reflections of existence"
"i have a future i cant perceive, and a past i dont care to remember."
"Leave before more need you"
"You choose your suffering, then you choose how express it."
(To be inquesitive of this, to want to understand our selves, and the fragments of this suffering/expression cycle we see in others... is this what there is?)
"I stumble around this black room, wondering if any one else is in it, but me"
"Life doesn't kill you, it is the slow and painful medicine which staves off death"
"Base all your judgments on the happiness they will bring"
"What brings you the strongest suffering, and what takes away the suffering the most... and how do you express these things"
"We give what understanding we can, don't ever hold back giving of what you are that there is a need for" (compassion, understanding, love, sympathy, empathy)
"everything is priceless..... and it all comes at a cost"
"the secret of being human is.... there is no secret, none of us know what were doing."
"This is one big play, these people in are actors, and suffering is pulling the strings."
"Am i empty, or has the hole just become whole?"
"When ever you feel the need to avoid thinking about something, think about it... and if that doesnt work, think about why you were avoiding thinking about it."
"Do or do not there is no try." -yoda
"I see all too much of what is human in all the humans i see"
"all the message you choose to take were meant for you"
"people who live, people who are out there
"The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." -Lily Tomlin
"recognizing weakness, is much better then having it creep up on you when you least need it"
"People who live, people who are out there, they DO have the answers, as they DO what they do, what you can't , they live, they feel, they all express there degrees of suffering in there perfect imperfection. The answers are in those little heads, respect them, humble your self to them, they have infinity in there heads. Respect All."
"You can't exist without causing suffering, how ever, you can exist with out trying to reduce suffering. So don't lose that, that which may set you apart from those who don't have it."
"We're all just one infinitely divided segment of humanity, separated into our singular perspectives of this one world, resulting in us all having many similar thoughts about it, but not being able to truly know each other as we know our selves." (I don't know who you are, because you are so many people) like how they say 'you can love others till u love ur self'.. maybe cos were all fragments of one one understands us (and our suffering) like we do our selves, so we are arrogant enough to think that WE are mre important, and WE should be exempt... when in acutal fact, we've all been through crap.
"given that we're all just one infinitely divided segment of humanity, separated into our singular perspectives of this one world, resulting in us all having many similar thoughts about it, but not being able to truly know each other as we know our selves..... would u say that existence given that as the axiom of a possible creator, is more like heaven or hell?"
"The only life i have is my own, so why not start here" -Tegan`
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Chardin
"The meaning of life, is life"
"snobs dont exist if ur confidently humble"
"We're all trapped here. suffering, alone on this big ol' ball of rock. I figure the least we can do is make each other feel good"
"Never assume everyone is in your mood"
"Wake up, And envision the worst day possible ahead for you, then just take what comes (as best you can) And learn from any suffering."
"Selflessness = general reality, selfishness = Relative reality"
"Never grumble, Never be un pleasant, Instead be thankful for what you do have, not disgruntled over what you don't have"
"those charms, those attributes that make ur personality special, only u can take those things away"
"keeping everything in 4D context, can keep things interesting... VERY interesting" (it can make things that would otherwise make u bored, not)
"recognize the infinite possibilities for u in the future"
"Recognize what you dont like about ur self" (recognize it as a crime)
"reciprocate care, for it is more then likely, those who offer it, dont really have to"
"Peace (with in and with out) is so valuable it's worth truly forgiving others for"
"Selfishness takes away from your peace which gives your life ease" (recognize selfishness as a crime)
"your just a person like ever one else" to every one else, your just a person, like every one (but you is to you.) else is to you
"I am what happens when utilitarianism meets relativism"
"We as one being are all alone on this earth"
"Logic is subjective/relative/individual, but can be understood (at least in an acceptance way) by anyone"
"You are me, we are all helping you, but to help the you who isn't me, is to help more of me then if i were to just help the you that is me"
"Having an open mind could cause your brain to fall out" -krait
"When ever some one points out an assumption, see if there isn't an assumption in the way they pointed it out"
"Be unreasonable, not only in your expectations of what you want to achieve, but also in what it will take of YOU to get THERE"
"You don't own anything, It's all on loan from the universe, It's universal matter, It's not yours, The universe will do with it what it will." (Dont let what you own, own you) are you the universes matter?
"The man who knows HOW, will always have a job. The man who know's WHY will always be his boss"
"I should be 100% honest, Because in my view, i try not to do wrong"
"It's not about people, It's about there objectives (motives and facilitating certain experience's depending on what value you think those experiences have) It's not about people, It's about people and there experience's"
"when we truly and humanly impart WHY we really attempt to do these things we do, this existence we have, NO other human mind can or will stand in in our way."
"It's not greed when u deserve is more then others."
"To cope, merely accept all possible outcomes, with out preference."
"This thing to be human, to be trapped in a selfish body, with only those around you to know the pain"
"To be unwaveringly selfish is to ask to die for the pain you can't stop"
"I'm dying of living, and I'm living to die,what could be more worthy of hate."
"There is not much else you can do with the truth, other then accept it."
"I have faith in my past enough to know where I'm coming from, and that gives me just enough faith, not in the future, but in that i know i will have something to do, in the future"
"first rule of being human, humans hate to be human...... so learn to live with it , then die. or just die."
"You've got to be ignorant before u can learn anything"
"States of change, so common, so mundane, that no one but children and cavemen notice there wonder... these are what i need."
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand" - Confucius
"when you throw mud and miss, all you end up with dirty hands" -Sarah_T
"Do you want to be angry?... is angry worthy of YOU, and all you've been through, does the tiny thing ur angry over, have the right to control u?... are u weak enough to let it?"
"The universe is a collective so large that the individual who does not recognize it for what it is (the some of its parts, YOU inclusive) may feel powerless, oppressed, and any number of other things, which maybe expressed in any number of ways"
"don't say can't, say aren't"
"Isn't that all the future is, just a compilation of the past?"
"You can't take credit for what you do, Because reality is all that has gone into us, we're all just part of reality. No blame, forgiveness, humility, It's all in knowing that"
"When u were born, everyone around u was smiling and u were crying, live your life so that when u die, u are the one smiling and everyone else is Crying!"
"You have to keep your peace, not because of what YOU'VE been through, but because of what OTHERS go through."
"I am Hitler compared to Gandhi, but Gandhi when compared to Hitler."
"Okay generalizations; Ugly people are generally better people. AND people who are good at something are usually just pedantically anal about that thing"
"Isn't a digression a going back to a past position that you clearly needed to get past but haven't if you've gone back there?"
"just be unhappy for as long as possible thats a way to be happy"
"You define your freedom by what constrains you, all else is free."
"to sleep, continuously tell ur self to be unconscious of what ever ur conscious of" (to be unconscious of (in this sense) is to accept all expectations in totalitarianism potential of what you are conscious of)
"Know your values, set ideals, but NEVER let them constrain you, NEVER let them become your limits"
"To lose control past the point of satisfaction, but to the point where the mere memory and thoughts of your events of uncontrolledness kept your mind interested for ages after the fact, ages even when back in mundane normality." (you need satisfaction that lasts! and wont degrade anything)
"When an aggressor strikes in evil, the line 'know why your going this and you shall want to kill your self' is more then appropriate"
"Other people are there to help you see clearly when you cant by your self" (thats why they're there, other wise earth would have a population of 1, and thats why you should be there for them)
"maybe adopt, but never have kids"
"There are many things bigger then us out there" (eg. 2+ of us) were bigger then us?... we will be soon, like NOW (never lose sight of human potential)
"Know and hold (in your mind) as all that is important, being positive in WHO YOU ARE. So that you can forgive any damage done that doesn't effect that for the worst. (and whether it effects you for the worst is YOUR choice, so don't let it, take lessons from all instead)"
"Through consciousness, a things morally polaric meaning to you, is your choice"
could all ur decisions be made from these two statements;
"the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few."
"the needs of those with a greater suffering, out weight the needs of those with a lesser suffering." (still subjective)
"every ones going to be a loser one of these days, the trick is not looking at one."
"You better get off your arse, because no one up there is going to help you"
"Death is not the only certain thing, The truths of the past will always be the truths of the past, but they need not be your future"
"Live ALL you can WHILE you can!"
"How am I to know that this life is not merely a delusion? How am I to know that to despise death is not merely to be like one exiled in his youth and who now can find no way home?" - Chuang Tzu
"When I can't be bothered to be lazy I just give in and do work"
"Apathy is becoming a major problem-but who cares?"
"Selfishness, selflessness/ dominance, submissiveness/ control, to be controlled/ understanding, to be understood/ to validate others, to be validated/ to love, and to be loved... these are all expressions of our need to be validated as human, the consciousness's need to be enveloped by what its self is , in the form of others, for who we are, to know that the human flesh next to us is us, is just like us, its all a need to get back to the total consciousness.. the unconsciousness which is total, infinity in nothing..... death, the 'afterlife', whatever" (Give unto others EXACTLY what your consciousness desires) (think about that whilst u give it?).....(could 'good' <the reversal of suffering> and 'evil' <the creation of suffering> be slotted into this as well?)..... we all need some part of the halves, to some degree, at some time, is knowing this the key to charisma and confidence?
"Conquerors may suffer a loss, but never a defeat."
"There is no expiration date on your goals"
"Mankind and the Universe; God's proof (or attempts) that perpetual motion IS possible"
"NORMAL; the general consensus of what others SHOULD be exposed to."
"When your looking for peace, just remember, that peace is where ever you find it"
"most things dont require a response" (Especially when u take all that people say as just THERE <relative/subjective/individual> OPINION)
"sometimes its better to make no sense, then it is to make sense."
"don't put yourself down coz u'll end up down where u put yourself" - serioasa
"Prediction;There will be a fundamental paradigm shift where instead of people working from home people will live & inhabit there office complexes,buying there needs from there company with credit they work to earn.Like a commune,I call it Corporate Communism"
"Accept truth, Learn from suffering, evolve and move on." (don't forget ur lessons when u move on)
"accept truth learn from suffering, take those lessons and move on"
"Our possession of free will is introspectively manifest; we are directly aware of the fact that we could have acted otherwise."-John mills
"Invent reflections of who we are, have been, and will be"
"Don't lose sight (and fascination) of what you are, those around you, human.... as are the man made systems around you"
"Redefine things so every thing is a life or death choice (as to increase ur empathy thought, and attention to context). Death is never seeing some one again, we kill people every day"
"Most humans study humans, and to study humans, is to study your self, and thats what most humans do, so get good at it, so good at it, u can express it in an interaction"
"If bothers me when A) people think the general consensus of things is there own consensus, with out there own reasons. and B) when they take that consensus to be right."
"It's all about identifying what brings u the most suffering in ur life, and what would/does relieve that best"
"well, every one prolly has something some one else wants, as we all holistically have most of the things that humans can have, hence forth, are in the confines of what others want."
"Recognizing your peace, and the form it may come in, maybe hard to do"
"doesn't it make u sick to see how much no one cares to understand each other these days?"
"I feel no need to say anything to u any more, as i dont feel the need to be understood... perhaps once confident with my knowing my self enough to not feel the need to be understood, i should try to understand others, and maybe even help guide them"
"could you really tell if you were lost, mentally i mean"
"only when the power of love overcomes the love of power will the world know peace"
"You have to want exactly what you were going to get"
"If life doesn't make u crazy, then why bother living it"
"On your death bed, at THAT point in time, if you were asked what was ur most cherished thing at THAT moment, not what was, not what will, but what IS! your most cherished thing at that time, would it not be,
'those standout memories, so big, so flowing, so full of the absolute truth in reality , that they are appreciable, for all of lifes woes, they are appreciable.
'Work for appreciable moments....These moments of human understanding or understanding the mass human miss-understanding Theses moments that ooze the truth of human existence."
"It's all one big human experience.. soak it up."
"As the future comes, we have more new rules to abide by."
"your job is what ever ur doing now"
"To be objective, is not to ignore ur self, but to include ur self as an equal in any calculations ur trying to be objective of"
"Truth is beauty, beauty is truth, and to be objective is to facilitate truth as much as u can, which is rare in this selfish world, and rare equals valuable" (your beauty lies in the truth's u value)
"some days u feel like u just dont want to breath in again after that last large sigh, other days u want to breath like ur gunna burst, the same force causes both feelings, either fight it or dont... but fighting it, makes u feel alive"
"There are those who listen, and those who wait to talk" (LISTEN!)
"Never claim total objectivity as it is impossible"
"I love you, for being so small, so singular, so human, but ur so strong in ur truth, and how much u can do if u try"
"You know the world, You know how man treats man, and you want me to go out into that, with just this, and you think i could possibly make it better?"
"sometimes I feel like I'm never going to do anything important in the world, as I can't think of anything important to be done in the world" (given no offspring)
"Given how many lives and life times have been given to get the quality of life to where it is, don't you think you should stress less, not worry and enjoy that which they have sacrificed for?
"Learn a little something about everything."
"Work smarter not faster"
"if u want to find something interesting, u have to understand the greatness of its impact, and sometimes that can only be done, from understanding the how what who and when's of something." (interesting is akin to satisfaction)
"Humans are already unreasonable in what they want, WHY they are not happy or on the way to what they want yet, is because they are not equally unreasonable in what they expect will take from THEM to get it."
"Knowing when to be subjective, and when to be objective, is one of the most important things u can learn"
"use the FIGHT, use the drive.let your lungs burn and burst with fresh air and enjoy it for the fight against apathy"
"Let the weak ideals of the girls ur interested in (and people in general) for there perfect partner; so decisive that they are absolved of responsibility and causality to drive YOU to be more as that person is NOT out there for YOU, at least not in ur current state of weak apathy!"
"Human understanding and understanding what it is to be human to some degree makes u socially invincible when amongst humans, with the right values, truth and articulation of course."
"Rise above the lies that make you think you can't do"
"objectivity so you can see your true and brilliant freedom, through the haze of the general consensus, paranoia, mass media, lies and neurotic suffering you put your self through."
"empathy, as u are a past me, and i could feel like thee" (Karma/Poetic Justice says I may well if i scoff and dont help)
"be objective, to regain your joy and perspective when u have subjectively labeled something that which it is not" (especially if the label/stigmatism obstructs ur ability to utilize)
"individuality is something of specifics"
"We must share our expressions enough to keep us all entertained"
"calling your self a loser wont do anything" (It will get u sympathy, but sympathy doesn't get u anything, except maybe get u addicted to sympathy)
"Life can be fun for every one"
"You've got to look after your self, Don't do anything bad for ur self, Don't do bad things to ur self, you've got to know what u can cope"
"I think that the after life, is a place where we all know each other as best friends, and we have no physical form, its like were one huge body of liquid, and its like were on IRC with just blurring colors and stimulations not of the physical is all that u feel. and i think that all humans want to be understood, because they have some vague distant memory of what it was to be known through and through by not just another, but an all encompassing heaven. and i think that any suffering in life, is but a split second pin prick, because were all going back there eventually :)"
"Arrogance is subjectively thinking ur not at threat of effect"
"What of what u can get from what people are conscious of is what u can be conscious of through them"
"The general, The specific, The subjective, the objective... True existentialism, and the TRUTH." thats what its all about!
"some one who's truths u trust, because u trust them with the truth."
"This empty vacuole of being human, of constantly wanting know what it means to be the universe u are in, and to know how to express it, and to know how to get back there when ur only u again... THIS IS YOU!, this is ALL of US, don't be afraid to communicate it."
"To want to blend into ur environment, to want to be known , and know for sure. TRUTH"
"find ur self in the now ur in, and be it. Otherwise enjoy thought, enjoy relaxation, enjoy truth, and enjoy context"
"most jobs in society offer some subservience to ur fellow man, hence them existing in society... just another reason Objectivity is needed"
"close ur eyes, sit still for a bit, then feel how u move"
"The unattainable are the only things that don't let u down when u get em, as u never do"
"reason for objectivity; I have to work with these people!"
"It's fun to think of anything annoying as a rubix game, the objective, to do it right and not be pissed off into doing it wrong PRACTICE UR SKILLS TODAY!"
"To start with, u have to bend to the worlds rules, maybe a lil later u can bend them to your's"
"What i see does not move me, What i BELIEVE does"
"True empathy is what makes life interesting"
"Sexy ugly is just regular ugly with confidence"
"confidence = faith in ur truths, Truth = beauty, hence confidence is appealing"
"Roll with the truth, Don't let the truth roll you"
"we all have the responsibility of men, with the minds of babes"
"Have faith in your truths enough and patience for any mind that does not see that truth will follow" (I mean, is this all you've come here for? You've lived X amount of years just to let anger control u, and NOT have peace)
"use of empathy in descriptions of hope in daily conversation; be expressive (contrasting, ironic) enough to make others feel something, as it will make u feel like you ARE something" (keep it relative to the lives of others always tho, selfless expressiveness)
"word's don't communicate, empathy does"
"given the theory of a primary event that created the universe, do u think our reality in terms of expansions and complexity is getting more specific as we look back in time? or is this all culminating/collapsing/working up to a specific, its sort of like looking at an explosion in rewind, then forward again... this makes me think the universe has been here infinitely"
"The mind is a muscle, so put alot of detailed thought into absolutely EVERYTHING you do"
"when people say things, actually THINK about what they've said!"
"THINK!" (skip contextuality, and go straight to thinking, being thoughtful/smart is a choice, so CHOOSE to think, the truth is worth the patience of thinking, remember its a choice! so make the choice to think EVERY time)
"People find them selves interesting, so talk as objectively as u can, and never talk about ur self" (look at hose often people talk about the selves! we're like doing it constantly!)
"when u find the true right way to live for u, it is reinforced every day, by every truth, by every out come, by every mood" (I reckon the right way to live is a constant journey, which is only set many impossible goals, and strive for them all at once, peace enlightenment, benevolence, TRUTH)
"Be humble about absolutely EVERYTHING" (they say that pride comes before a fall, so i guess humility comes before an up-draft, and since ur on an infinite journey, u should always be humble)
"so bored that being bored has become fun!"
"we doubt others love for us, because we doubt our selves"
"Is there an emotionally stable medium between feeling like something, and feeling like nothing?" (do we all need to either be abused or worshiped? what is right?)
"don't doubt to the point of neurocy/un productivity"
"when u have moods inexplicable to the point ur paranoid you've been drugged, re-align ur expectations to real time reality"
"We're victims of circumstance, all thats left to do is choose our crimes."
"With enough self control, and the right values, u can do anything"
"Only the good doubt them selves"
"If Truth = grey scale, then assess relative/comparatively. If Truth = black and white, then assess generally/absolutely."
"No one's ever happy, There only ever happier"
"determinism; just accept that ur a leaf floating in the breeze" (Our possession of free will is introspectively manifest; we are directly aware of the fact that we could have acted otherwise... I'm talking about on the large scale of fate, not on the ability to use conscious decisions to change ur own specific life)
"It doesn't matter if you stupid, as long as your kind"
"are all words that end in 'ess' degree's to be evaluated relatively?"
"we create imitations of life a set of rules, confines, and concepts that things work with in" (don't be in awe of its fracillianess to the point of losing the ability to imitate it)
"From big things, lil things grow" -Paul Kelly (From big things lil things spawn! just enjoy being a lil part of the huge fractillian puzzle, And getting your little things together, you don't need anything more... think of all the lil things your putting in ur head!)
"fun can be an outlet for stress, but you don't have to be stressed to have fun."
"Dont stress about not having fun, or feeling separate because of that... there are others out there who are in the same situation, connect"
"lil to big, and big to lil, unity and have fun, laugh and mock for reasons all in unity can see"
"The point is unity, make everything into god/s"
"stop asking why and start asking how, and when!"
"set ur mind to it, think it, do it!" (do it/ think as it/ be it)
"Some people freeze to death in the winter, others ski"
"Don't spend too much time quantifying and reasoning with what your doing rather then doing it"
"don't do off into the idea that everyone is off doing what u want to be doing, because there not, in fact, most of them are off getting angry at the misconception that everyone else is doing what they want to be doing" (Don't join the general misconception!)
"It's the things you do when u think no one else is around that make u good or bad"
"Truth = beauty, and is the best way to facilitate understanding, love expects understanding and wants freedom, the truth wants to be free, all is specifics, specifics create interest (especially the why's and context of specifics, prolly cos more of context reveals the beauty of the human condition more) being interested in something is akin to satisfaction (truth and freedom = satisfaction?)"
Patterns are a sign of life (follow the coincidences/re occurrences?)
"Insight is a matter of articulating what others feel but have trouble articulating."
"This world is a far too distant memory of some ancient slide show of flickering images (zoiatrope) seen some where, some time far far away out of these peep slots called eyes" (your life is but a memory)
"grasp the confidence of knowing what people deeply want, by knowing what u deeply want"
"When you live a lie, you are living alone"
"picking up, slowing down, turning around, it's all the same, no ones to blame it's just how life is"
"understand how including the specifics of continuity when humorously mocking the crazy potential out comes based on observations and statements (made by others and ur self, but mostly others) of what could happen in detail to the lives of individuals and exaggerated characters, using exaggeration, irony, opposites and the absurd"
"Describe what you want to happen to ur self in terms of doing it to others and what it would feel like for them in there terms as if it was happening to u (direct and descriptive empathy to create interest)"
"specific/true objectivity (rather then the non-specific/general Miss-conceptions) can avoid and downsize the cause and effect of frustration"
"Your not just like everyone else, which is easily illustrated by thinking what the world would be like filled with you's"
"Death bed values rock! so gear it up and perma-switch to 'em... 1) appreciable memories (possibly with meaning provided by context and often about the human condition) 2) being proud of the way you lived your life" (take ur self to good places, with good people)
"just think 'what should be done given death bed values'"
"selfishness in a communist model seems to slow the greater pragmatic progression of the collective, where as selfishness in capitalism seems to do the opposite ......until u factor in the welfare system!"
"jumping the gun..... hey it's better then being shot!"
"You need to have faith in your self, and ur ideals and values of less suffering for all (with objectivity equations/balance as a guide to where selflessness is appropriate) and such things having a positive effect on ur life, and the world and others"
"Never stop questioning the infinite spiral as it would lose its 3d'ness, its depth, it's infinitcy, it's progressiveness, and just be a line" (linear thoughts bad mmmkay)
"Loops (cyclical problems) are circles (paradoxes) are infinite spirals (the unattainable as a goal)"
"who thinks they themselves are normal?" (the general misconception is out to get u and confuse and frustrate, don't let it)
"Some people draw power from the unknown, Some people lose power to the unknown, Some people draw power from thinking they know the unknowable, But the best kind of people draw power from thinking they which parts are and aren't unknowable"
"Reciprocate the positive similar, and don't take your self seriously, take your values seriously, but not negatives (cos mostly they don't exist)"
"Never take any emotional content directed at you seriously as long as you are congruent with the truth"
"Never take anger directed to you seriously"
"To ignore the general is to be selfless"
"Anyone who wants to harm you actually literally wants to hurt themselves or disgust themselves to the point where they can kill themselves" (prolly can't accept that every ones pain is like there's <human collective and what not>)
"Drugs create an interest in an interesting mess of chaos, but with the right values (Death Bed Values) you can create all that 'insane' action your self, with out the suffering, or at least with out any suffering that isn't iconoclastic "change mind" (and/or anti-general) suffering to squares and conformo's you harmlessly freak out by being weird"
"You have to limit your self in many ways to gain freedom"
"Thou shalt not <insert law of physics/science here> . God/The Universe puts the limits of reality and existence on us to free our minds, to be mental gods"
"Stay sane in insanity"
"Don't Be dismissive, EVER"
"EVERYTHING can be learned from"
"The truth hurts less then deceit"
"The smaller your brain is, the more the general can fuck with it/you"
"Try to see things from a life long, dedicated <insert thing> workers view"
"Appreciable moments are ones you can enjoy whilst still alive" (reminisce on)
"All human creation can be appreciated, or marveled at when recognized for what it is"
"submissiveness and dominance; In our interactions, keep each other on the straight and narrow edge of the blade trusted into the balance of the infinite spiral"
"Thats the great thing about losing things, finding them again"
"Tackle all 'Problems', all 'frustrations' as rubix puzzles to be solved"
"When you know you can do anything, no archivement is satisfying" (doubt your self sometimes?)
"My mind isn't else where, It's just not here"
"Higher purpose, a goal/objective, something that is everywhere to make life interesting can be given to you by others, to have a job, to forfil a love, to obey a commanding officer so easily, so why not give it to your self? Constantly give your self objectives to make your life interesting"
"Who cares who's afraid to die, It's who's afraid to live that matters"
"Always reconsider sad inevitabilities, as they may not happen"
"The Mysteries in life are hidden in the infinite potential of unknowns" (and expectations of those infinite potentials) (feeling in ones own life are to do with the specific current unknowns you come across but COULD know)
"We are demi-gods as long as we can see, recognize and utilize the rules of the universe and the human condition"
"Insight is the context of the meaning of something" (or the meaning of the context?)
"The Long Term (+infinity) contextual mood/persona/emotion and immortal would get, may be absolutely congruent with the absolute truth of reality"
"change in the potential of the future (+context <expectation>) = emotion... but only 1 future = always face the truth" (...= emotionless?, ultra conscientious?)
"Protect the one time line, using demi-god abilities to improve it, and weigh responsibility against risk"
"Never Be Bitter"
"Ignorance of ignorance is the worst kind of ignorance"
"See everything for the value it HAS" (don't get trapped in potential value)
"Memories of experience, Versus Memories of imagination... is the universe all we have to draw our creations from?"
"real time critical mass creation of suffering by the odds of the outcomes of ur actions CAN always equate out a result of good or evil"
"Always keep the greater context of the objective totality of ur life, and life in general in mind"
"holding higher powers in mind, observers, the universe, whatever... keeps the mind concerned with greater contexts.... hence the purpose of religion and god"
"As the universe expands and grows more complex (with a base of simplicity of course), so do the chances for more freedoms, the same as is what happens in the evolution of technology, we are all working towards giving everything the ultimate freedom, but most of all our selves. And with in our current confines u can use this knowledge to envision glories new products and ideologies" (were all working to have more god like power! so why let religion get in the way?)
"If god is all knowing, and information is power, and to be more conscious, conscientious and more aware are all good intelligent things, then we should strive to always learn, and to always be objectives if we want more power to learn how to more accurately effect the universe and keep us happy"
"Don't be diswadded from disinterest when talking to people, simply use the minimum amount of simple questions to make THEM do the work of explaining what they want, or feel they need to tell you, it's not hard, and some people just need people, and u shouldn't refuse the input, as it could spark something, and u can always correct there ignorance or logic, and use it to remind u of (what your logic is and) WHY u choose YOUR LOGIC... listening is the easy part, take joy from for filling there need, there need to be listened to as a reflection of self importance" (relativity and perspective means everything in reality is truth and equally important, just remember, what ever anyone says is only THERE truth/opinion)
"Have infinite time and love for every one, tho at times it may have to be TOUGH LOVE that stems from YOUR OWN values projected through logic construction of them in others"
"always question everything, always keep an open mind, always look for fact and proof and reason for an assertion or opinion"
"rare equals valuable, as there is less of something, so if there is any demand for it, it has a high value, and in this world of relative and perceptual values, there is demand for EVERYTHING"
"You've always told your self the truth, but have u ALWAYS told the truth to others? given it to the world? you wont be afraid to die if u have"
"money floats up through taxes and politicians to captains and kings of industry, loans can never be paid, and democracy doesn't work, why not live off the corrupt system with a vanguard of rights activists to protect your claims, its the price of not being able to live in nature in a natural state i say."
"interesting questions are about time (context) and potential effect, infinite or other wise, some times about specifics some times about general concepts... all with the potential to change your actions and your views" (WHY? the most interesting question, insightful to the human condition)
"Maybe worrying about not being insightful or interesting is whats stealing all the time u usually use to notice interesting things and process there reason/context into insight"
"true real specific deep insight, not the general misconception and generic uninteresting idea's of the context of things"
"The thing about going crazy is, it makes you smart, in the stupidest way possible" -Alan Alda (Jake's Women)
"Reality is my muse" (what does the spiral of truth tell me to do?)
"Psychotic delusions, The greater self inputting art form, the greatest genius being explained, the greatest loop" (Or maybe simple though / consciousness / streams of consciousness might count as all that... aren't they all you feeding back on you in some way (with many dashes of reality))
"Fear can stop you from doing things, or it can make you do things, make it make you do things rather then not."
"if you tell people your problems they will help you how ever they can"
"grab your passion and don't let go"
"Carefree, and Careless... is there a difference?"
"A life with out context, a spiral with out perspective, is a circle, it is a paradox.. perspective is needed on some angles of objectivity"
"at times you need to bear pain to get peace." (in fact at times pain is peace, & there is peace in pain. ie The pain of life is the peace of learning... and enlightenment) (pain = necessary?)
"Give maximum concentration and effort to any one task you do, as it is the one task you are doing"
"The 'Why' loops must continue, the spiral must be kept curving... refinement refinement refinement"
"It doesn't have to be your suffering for your to learn from it, look at the suffering of others and extrapolate the lesson/s"
"Do what brings appreciable moments of the flow of truth variety, tho it may cause u suffering to, the reward of resilience, and resilient peace is grand and great"
"feeling free, but more so, feeling at peace will facilitate appreciable moments, so if u want them as your rewards, then set your spiral to feeling at peace with the world, and showing it that you are."
"Learning from suffering as a survival mechanism... suffering as a cause to excel... and how this is relevant to god, nature, and the nature of the universe" (If god creates suffering for our teaching, then should we be "teaching" each other? in order to be godly?)
"Intelligent problem solving is how best to do something given it's context and the context of it's objective"
"Make priorities of the things that would counter act stereo typical views of you"
"There is something wrong with you if you think there is something wrong with you" (And that's that you think there is something wrong with you, thats whats wrong with you)
"Don't over inflate your misery" (there is enough of it in the world, and misery which is MUCH more real then yours).... unless misery/suffering inflation is a human mechanism to excel some how.
"You get something more pure through refinement"
"The passage of time is NOT a constant, So have fun, Do and leave early"
"People will assume your ignorance (as u do theirs) so prove them wrong" (With out making them look or feel ignorant)
"You dislike former you's, as they are your competition"
"we can all learn from each other, as we can all be part of the experience of interaction" (and all we have to learn from is experiences)
"quaff good and evil with relativity/subjectivity."
"why's refine the truth" (in ones self)
"even deffinitions have a context, the deffiner"
"who's smarter than who, and who cares?"
"I don't think it makes much sense, sense is not to be made much of" (When we think of everyone relatively, were all insane)
"Maybe preconceiving an answer/question is the only factor in the satisfaction of finding out"
"due to relativity and comparative worth, you must of been genuinely happy to be genuinely sad (and vise versa)"
"assume everyone does things for rational/logical reasons, then find them given different values."
"you can never tell someone that there opinion is wrong, perhaps not logical given the facts, but never wrong"
"Self Loathing is the strongest and most dualistic emotion any man can empathies with"
"Sometimes people give emotionally what they most need to receive"
"Never worry too much about your ability to think, that you forget how to, OR that you need content"
"The sky is there so you never feel lonely"
"If society is sick, Then our symptoms are actually instructions from advertising/media"
"haiku; We cut these slow wounds, a knives blade pushed by an ant, Maybe we will fit."
"The only yard stick of truth, is other truths"
"A poet has to be able to contemplate anything, as anything may be truth, especially where a goal of objectivity is concerned. As to be on a higher level of consciousness, is just to be conscious of more truth"
"The Samson and Delilah theory, test it, grow your hair long!" :D
"perhaps to be objectively conscious of more of reality is to hold more truth, and to integrate more into this world, which is made up of facts, which are and come from the absolute truth of reality, perhaps 'disassociation disorders' are in fact just an absolute acceptance, and perhaps all of this is just so we can take something with us, and go up in the ranks of realities in which we are less and less separate in our forms and minds, perhaps that's what happens after the one KNOWN truth, death. perhaps learning about this world, and integrating into it, makes us less separate to the point that we are so un separated we are one whole absolutely objective being."
"Pity those who create suffering in others , for it is not there place to do so."
"Love expects understanding and wants freedom, so always question why of the truth, so you can equip your self with the understanding that you need to be free" (or that will facilitate freedom)
"Why would any one ever stop questioning why?"
"bored? boring? Maybe you should question the maybe's and why's of the universe"
"I find it easy to be fond of inanimate objects, they have no complex decisions to make wrong or selfishly, they have no pain to idiotically push onto others, they are the epitimy of raw truth, just there to be there, just what they see, no more points to put forth, no more pain.. I find it welcoming and peaceful to know that to be like that is part of my physical final destination"
"Rare = valuable, but everything should be valuable to you, as it is rare enough to be within your field of context, it's part of you... There may be 8 million people around the place, but a very few of those can you turn and talk to personally" (this is the link to general facts, and your specific facts, and a piece of understanding that is vital to empathy... others specifics are just as important, and real as yours)
"A bad trades man always blames his tools.... and that's why god, blames YOU!"